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Octavia is soo sexy I want to fuck her soo Badly :3

Grammar Nazi time: Why is “Badly” capitalized? o.o

In response to what was actually said: Yes, she is. I think I need to develop my ranking of sexiest ponies (actually different from my favorites character-wise).

  1. Dem crotchtits. :P
  2. Trixietavia?
  3. “I’m a Nurse Octavia” (emphasis added)? Either way, the nurse concept is overdone.
  4. I’ve seen this one. Still looks like loli to me.
  5. I’ve seen this one, too. That pose. :D
  6. Is that just a very large mons?
  7. More bow play! (Dat face, though.)
  8. I don’t know what’s going on here…
  9. I’m not a fan of this sort outfit. :/
  10. Post-sex, and the male is nowhere to be found. :(