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Rule 63 Big Macintosh x Shining Armor (What's a Good R63 Name for Big Mac?) (Link NSFW) [Link]




I wanted this to be a quick doodle.. hmm.

  • Rule 63? Check.
  • Big Macintosh x Shining Armor? Check.

Yep, this is pretty weird.

Any names for this ship? How about Rule 63 names?

I’m pretty sure thier R63 names are Big Macina and Gleaming Shield respectively.

So…Big Shield? XD

Probably more like GleaMac

Wouldn’t “Macina” be pronounced “ma-SEE-na”, not “ma-KEE-na”, though? According to Wikipedia, the name refers to a ninteenth-century African empire, and the alternative spelling “Masina” supports the “s” pronunciation.

I think that Big Mac’s R63 name should be the name of a variety of apple. Big Melrose?