Feminism vs. Femi-nazism: Know the Difference
Feminism: The movement focused on improving and protecting women’s rights, ideally to point where they are equal to that of men’s.
Femi-nazism: The movement focused on taking away men’s rights to the point of reducing their social status to below women’s.
Okay I know there are people out there who call themselves feminists who genuinely believe that what they’re doing is right, who genuinely believe that they are supporting equality, these people aren’t stupid, but they are misguided.
Feminism as a whole has been broken and corrupted to the point of being worse than useless. Focusing on one gender over the other is counter-productive, sexism affects everyone, stop pretending that it only affects women; every example of sexism affects both genders. for example the sexist idea that women are weaker than men, not only is this unfair to women who are strong (who may not be taken seriously), but also to men who are weak (they will be made fun of because they are ‘supposed’ to be strong, ever heard of “Haha- you got beaten by a girl”, which I sometimes hear even from the same people who say we shouldn’t assume women are weak).
Even if an example of sexism affects one gender more than the other- that is a pointless argument, we should acknowledge it as everyone’s problem, only then can we overcome gender issues; even the name feminism is sexist because it priorities one gender over the other, if we have to call ourselves something (which is unnecessary) we can call ourselves ‘Humanists’ and fight for universal rights for the human race.
Feminism is stupid and outdated, but not every feminist is stupid (like I said, more misguided).
If you want more information on gender issues I refer you to this playlist:
“Trying to solve gender issues with feminism is like trying to perform surgery with a chainsaw”
-TJ Kirk (heavily paraphrased)
Your choice of words is a tad harsh and a bit over-generalized, I believe—but you make some strong points regardless.
I hereby award masochistprincessterumi 1000 units of This.
Hm… humanism is more of a rejection of faith and doctrine; I think egalitarianism is what you’re looking for.