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In re dazzlemcpaw: So That's Who Lori Is! [Link]




So here’s the biggest question of all:

Why did this ‘Lori’ woman have her safe search off while her four year old daughter was on the internet by herself?

Wait, who?

Not sure if you happened to see a really ‘angry mother’ from a ‘mumblr’ group, complain to someone about how she left her four year old daughter on a computer with internet capabilities, and claims that her four year old happened to search ‘My Little Pony’ on Google and found NSFW images.

Now, the only way to actually find NSFW links, or images would be to have the Google Safe Search off, and even then, it still takes a while to find the NSFW content.

I get that anyone should be able to search anything without worrying about running across something, but my biggest point is, why are you going to leave a child on the internet without knowing how to filter through specific keywords and not know how to use the safe search engine?

Essentially, safe search is the default setting on Google, so this woman must have been looking for something with the safe search OFF for her four year old daughter to run across a nsfw picture consisting of MLP. And she insists her daughter KNOWS what was going on in the pictures, so that actually raises more questions as to what she’s taught her daughter overall.

That’s my only issue :l The fandom needs to tag their shit, yes, but a four year old REALLY doesn’t need to be on the internet, especially if someone doesn’t have the safe search on.

Oh, so this is what you’re talking about! Huh, I never noticed that it’s signed “Lori”.

Regarding what you’ve said: I would assume that SafeSearch is on by default, but for some reason my computer has it off, and I don’t remember ever changing the settings. Maybe I did change them. :/

But otherwise I totally agree. Please collect your award of This. :D