solarhedonist asked: Just letting you know on the off chance you were unaware and do care, Royal Pains and anything from Poni Parade are paid content from a very successful crowd funded art publication and are not free to post without artist consent.
Yes, I am aware of Poni Parade and a variety of other paid pornographic projects in this area.
Technically any artwork, whether originally released for free or not, is not “free” (that is, legal under copyright law) to post without explicit consent, unless the artist[s] posted it on Tumblr (in which case people are allowed to reblog it under Tumblr’s terms).
I know that some people post artwork available for free and respect the commercial opportunities of paid work, but I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do to deal with this (especially seeing that sites such as Equestria After Dark don’t really make a distinction).
Of course, if a creator actually requests that it be taken down (basically a cease and desist), then I will respect that request.
EDIT: Follow-up