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Most people judge and practice a prejudice against bronies in general, thinking they’re all freaks and sexual deviants of a deplorable nature. Bronies know this isn’t true and it’s hurtful to hear such accusations.

Bronies judge and practice a prejudice against cloppers, thinking they’re all freaks and sexual deviants of a deplorable nature. Cloppers know this isn’t true and it’s hurtful to hear such accusations.

Cloppers judge and practice a prejudice against Foalcon fans, thinking they’re all freaks and sexual deviants of a deplorable nature. Foalcon fans know this isn’t true and it’s hurtful to hear such accusations.

It sucks being at the bottom of this hefty stack of accusations. You’d think suffering from one group would enlighten you to not judging others. Can’t we not step outside your comfort zones and try to understand that which we don’t comprehend?

Most of the hate and bigotry in the world is based on ignorance. Lets try and not repeating the cycle, okay?

I guess the same could be said for otaku, hentai fans, and lolicon/shotacon fans as well, in the same sort of chain. But I digress.

If this is due to ignorance, then maybe some education is in order: Why do people enjoy this? I’ve tried to explain why I clop, and I suppose foalcon/lolicon/shotacon fans could do good by explaining their interests as well. This post is a start.

(Note that in Japanese the plural of “otaku” is “otaku”. Japanese does not change noun forms for plurals.)