((Regarding all the talk of non-consenting depictions of people’s OC and personas in sexual situations:
It’s being over thought now. This isn’t something that needs to be debated to death. It’s something every fully functional human brain should already know the answer to.
You do not do things that could creep out, upset or otherwise harm another human being without asking them first. Period. It’s called basic consideration. You should really have the empathy to process that without being told. It shouldn’t be hard to understand or need a massive debate.
In the specific case of Lauren’s OC, she has said on her own DA page when asked that she doesn’t like it. It makes her uncomfortable and weirds her out.
There you go. End of discussion. The lady said no. Stop it. You do not have a right or permission. In fact, you have a request to not do it.
…and if that isn’t enough to close the issue for you, then you lack a full range of human senses and decency and probably need to see a therapist or whoever can teach you more about right and wrong since your parents clearly failed.))
I think this is going the other way of oversimplification. As they say, everything’s offensive.