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presiding-over-nothing asked: Say, didn't PP make numerous posts whining about how everybody was paying attention to Michael and Grayson and not her nonsensical "movement"? Or, should I say, paying attention to her specifically because DWM was pretty much an attention grab from the start? Honestly, my patience and sympathy for her at this point is a round zero, sorry.



Well, I’m afraid you’re very much like her then. You just happen to be on the other side of the same fence.

At the age of 24, I’m one of the older bronies in the fandom—seeing as how most bronies run the age of 14 to 18. And when I take a step back, I just see all these teenagers squabbling. They’re all pointing fingers, full of that same emotional intensity and irrational judgement that teenagers are notorious for. And they’re forgetting to look at things logically and without biases.

A lot of what they all say has some merit too. DWM had some good points. The people defending APM had some too. (Though in the end, I supported DWM).

All these kids are so caught up in their own drama, feeling like the emotional center of the universe, they fail to look at anything objectively. this goes for Pinkiepony, as well as pretty most of the teenagers harass her.

Maybe you’re not a teenager yourself (no way for me to know), but I do know that you very much sound like one. So does pinkiepony. And so does everyone sending her hateful messages. There may be adults opposed to her, but I’m confident they’re at least being civil about it.

I suddenly feel very old, and like I’m surrounded by noisy brazen kids. I just want to relax, and have a peaceful time. But all these kids are too busy mudslinging to give me any peace.

And the real sad thing is, most (if not all) of the teenagers reading this will understand this post. They’ll rebel against it, saying they’re perfectly mature for their age. And yet it’s impossible for them o be that way. I acted the same when I was that age. And we all wanted to assert we were “big kids” when we were actually 10.

I suppose there is can be really done. All I can do is attempt to mitigate the damage of these kids, and grit my teeth until they hopefully grow up.

((Don’t worry, you aren’t the oldest one here xD 

As for PP and DWM, I came down on the side of “Really, this is the worst thing you can find to protest? I mean, over here’s an entire Tumblr about the rape, torture, and enslavement of every mare in Equestria by an invading force, including the plucking of wings and amputation of horns, but APM is seriously what you’re going after?”

That said, I actually did make some posts on my Twitter highlighting APM posts that were actually really quite rapy. I don’t think JJ’s intent was for APM to be rape humor. I think the goal was to have a humorous ask blog about an overly horny Celestia. But, that doesn’t mean a few of the posts didn’t cross the line. Also, I firmly maintain there are way more worthy targets if you’re going after glorification of rape culture.

I also defused a hate campaign against PP over the APM closure. As I pointed out, the letter she sent to hasbro mentioned both APM and this other god awful rape glorification blog. APM got taken down and the other one did not. There is no way Hasbro moved based on that letter and took out APM and /not/ the other one too. Tumblr killed APM, probably as a result of abuse of the report system. They did not get a C&D unless JJ has since changed his story. In the end, though she claims credit for it, I do not believe DWM or PP had anything to do with APM’s ultimate departure.))

I won’t reveal my exact age, but I’d like to say that I am talking the slightest bit of offense to the whole age thing. I think I avoided all the mudslinging, but all my DM-related posts are conveniently tagged #Down with Molestia if anyone wants to challenge that.

Otherwise, I agree with all this.