Of Course This Happened [Link]
…Thanks, guys. Just innocently checking my comments, find some really weird ones on this video, do some searching… Never even knew that stuff existed. What has been seen, cannot be unseen. Thanks a lot.
I was watching Zonkpunch’s futa Twilight Sparkle flash from a while back, and apparently someone linked to a YouTube video of the background music. (Before, just the name was provided.) You can guess what happened there.
In all seriousness, though: Keep it out. That goes simply because it’s NSFW (and relatively strange), but even if it were SFW, there’s no need to mention that it was used somewhere. If the reuse is that popular, the original creator/uploader will probably find out sooner or later. (For this last case, I’m reminded of PFUDOR.)
Oh, another comment:
I really don’t wanna know what this song was used in.
Don’t ruin it like Mittsies’s Ventus track…
Okay, this track I get, but Mittsies? You should’ve seen that coming. XD