Tommy_Oliver: It's funny, I'm seeing a lot of people talk about how bad bronies are and because of that they're shying away from the fandom, or at least expressing their interest publically
Tommy_Oliver: But, by doing so, you're just helping to perpetuate the stereotype
Tommy_Oliver: If YOU like ponies and don't act like that, you SHOULD be visible, so that way we can have a presence that is the antithesis of that stereotype. If everyone who likes the show and isn't a douche shies away from MLP
Tommy_Oliver: then only the detestable people are left, and the stereotype is no longer a sterotype
Tommy_Oliver: but a fact
Tommy_Oliver: Which is why I still openly love ponies, and will still go out wearing a pony shirt from time to time, and will still say without hesitation that, yeah, I like this show
Tommy_Oliver: Cuz I'm not gonna let a negative perception of our collective whole sour me to something I genuinely enjoy
Tommy_Oliver: If people wanna make assumptions about me based on what I like
Tommy_Oliver: fine
Tommy_Oliver: But that just means those people making assumptions are just as shallow and vapid as the perception they're projecting on me
Tommy_Oliver: I've met all of you guys through this show, and you're some of the best people I know. So to think that the entire community is terrible is obviously erroneous.
Tommy_Oliver: Yeah, we have some bad apples, but what community doesn't?
Tommy_Oliver: But for me, it was never about the community. What brought me here was a good show, and what kept me here was good people
I firmly believe that this attitude will save the fandom.