Hi guys! I wanted to inform you about this great thing that is happening!
These smart fellows have devised a way to create cups, straws, mixers, etc that can detect common date rape drugs. This is an amazing idea and it needs funding! The campaign ends in 35 hours and they are a little short on funding. Please, signal boost this or even give a dollar if you can, it’s a great cause and something that will really change the world!
Only 28 hours left! Check this out and spread the word!
donate or signal boost, they still have about a fifth to go!
Hey! This is pretty awesome, so I thought I’d share here. Even if you can’t donate, signal boosting the fuck out of this is important!
Safety is a big issue anywhere you go this could help so much
Tag: Date Rape
so my dad’s friend was bartending and saw a guy put something in a girl’s drink so while the guy turned around he switched their drinks and watched the guy roofie himself.