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Tag: Down With Molestia


I know I’ll lose followers, I know I’ll get hate mail, but I’m tired of my voice being silenced. I want to be heard. This is not a joke. Sexual abuse and molestation is not a joke. I’m a victim myself, and to see people taking it so lightly, is sickening. Rape is not a joke. Rape is not sexy. Stop glorifying these acts. I recently babysat a child who entered my room, and upon seeing my massive My Little Pony collection, she ran to my Friendship is Magic shelf and started naming them, and once she got to Celestia, she told me she rapes people. She simply googled images of Celestia, and that little girl now knows what rape is. That was the last straw. I haven’t told many of you, but I had a terrible rape experience and My Little Pony is my passion. This needs to end.

I want to make a difference. Im willing to fight. Down with Molestia! We need to take a stand. Who’s with me?

So this is the seminal post for “Down with Molestia.” (Or not; correct me if I’m wrong.)

Let me start off by saying this: I can see where you’re coming from with this. That story is quite shocking, but it shows more the inability of cloppers and others interested in more “mature” themes to keep their material discreet and marked. But as rape is a very serious issue, and seeing as you yourself are a victim of sexual abuse, I can see why you’re taking it in this direction.

I am sorry that you and your supporters are getting hate (not simple criticism) for this. However, I think your campaign is a bit extreme, and somewhat exaggerates the influence of APM. It is one blog, and I have to agree with hazama-itsuru (reblogged by you) that parents should be more careful when their children are online. I believe this is what John Joseco meant with #354, that supporting APM is not supporting or trivializing rape. (Some have interpreted this as rape apology, which I think is a misconstruation.) Should he have defended himself more maturely? Probably. Do I agree with him on this? Maybe, but I’m not too sure yet.

That’s all I have to say for now. I’ll probably follow up with this soon. I hope people can continue to discuss things civilly despite the controversial issues presented.


The prime points that I’m getting out of this Down With Molestia campaign are that it fetishizes and/or makes light of rape and rape survivors, and that children might find it.

I’m not sure where rape comes into the equation, because it has never been so much as even been hinted at. Rape is not a joke and Molestia smartly steers clear of that. Is she lewd? Most certainly! I can think of a few posts where a real person would have been slapped with sexual harassment. To stretch that into rape, however, is intentionally demonizing the blog for a characteristic it does not possess.

Children might find it? Where are their parents to monitor their activities? This “think of the children” mentality that’s been growing for the last couple of decades has done nothing but attempt to create irrational censoring. It is not the job of content creators to keep children away from their material. They provide parents with the tools necessary to do so, such as ratings and tags.

Wouldn’t it be silly if people attacked a film producer because a bunch of kids snuck into an R-rated movie at the theater? Film and television are rated and it is the job of the parent to keep their child from viewing. Similarly, online content is (ideally) tagged. Yes, some creators are irresponsible in this regard, which only serves to further underline the point that parents must be aware of what their children are doing. Video games or television or lewd pony blogs or whatever the next convenient excuse is are not to blame — the parent’s lack of involvement in their child’s life is.

Won’t someone think of the children, they cry out, as they plop their child in front of the computer to browse the web unsupervised.

Thank you.

It is 2013 August 17 22:30 UTC approximately. I first heard about this controversy literally minutes before. (Question: Is this controversy actually new? Or did it just explode with #354? That post seems to be a response to existing controversy. EDIT: This controversy was started by a post by pinkiepony on 11 August.) I’m familar with Ask Princess Molestia, but I don’t follow it or visit it regularly.

Why am I even doing this, then? Answer: Not only do I want to repost (and comment) on things that “attract my attention” (to put it lightly) (and APM isn’t very cloppable, anyway), I also want to talk about sexuality. The DM campaign brings up very serious issues such as rape and rape apology.

I’m not going to explain what’s going on here, since I myself don’t know fully. I will give my initial views on this, though.

  • Does APM trivialize rape? Maybe. But I seriously doubt that’s the intention. But honestly, I have to say that I have no idea why John Joseco created this concept.
  • Is APM rape-apologetic? Of course not (unless I’m missing something). APM does not promulgate the idea that rape is the victim’s fault. (Or does it? I haven’t read too much of the blog.)

I’m researching for myself, but I’m hoping that some people who are more familiar can help answer: What is this all about?

My brain is full of fuck.

Answer using Tumblr’s native answer system or Disqus (by accessing the page for this post).

Your input does not have to be neutral! I’ll take answers from people who have a strong opinion on this issue.








Ask Princess Molestia #354



God Bless you JJ.


fuck the cake 

Oh my god I’m checking the reblogs and people are so fucking angry. JJ I love u bby. Choice quotes:

I didn’t want to get into this whole ‘down with Molestia’ thing one way or another until I saw this. What an asshole.”

sara—rose: JJ confirmed for shit-tier human being and needs his dick ripped off his groin


fucking hell. And fat shaming to top it off. This guy can go to hell at this point.

^ oh my god fat shaming are you for real man?

worked up over being an abuse survivor who’s tired of the bullshit. Kiss my ass, brony.

Leave it to a rape apologist to mock the raped

^ Liking Molestia literally makes you a rape apologist. Didn’t you know?

“Wow, so not only is he completely dismissing any legitimate discourse about the nature of his comic, he’s also fat shaming and making fun of those who are against him with the snide pastries/cakes comment. What a fucking tool.”

God damn this is great. brb stocking up on tears.

Holy shit, what did I just walk into? (This came up on my dashboard with no prior posts for context.)

The issues are pretty serious, so expect commentary soon.

EDIT: Check out all my commentary so far here.