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Tag: Porn


Ooh, that’s nice.

(That eyeliner, though!)


Mmm… ;P [very appropriate emoticon, I think]

I’ll use the term “school porn” to refer to pornography or erotica that involves people in a school setting or who know each other through school. It’s the “sex with the teacher/schoolgirl/cheerleader” thing.

I’m just going to go on a little rant about this. I’m tolerant of this sort of thing if you enjoy it, but here’s my personal view.

Why? Just, why? Isn’t sex in school discouraged (in the United States, anyway) and often illegal? Okay, most of that is because the students are underaged (primary and secondary school), but even at the university level it’s frowned upon.

School is a learning environment. Sure, students can learn about biology and sex, but otherwise sex has little place.

Concerning sex with teachers, I think I can see why that’s popular: It resonates with the “crush on the teacher” some people have had as young children. Well, I never had that sort of crush, so that’s probably the main difference that turns me off from this.

But that doesn’t cover sex with a “schoolgirl,” usually in a uniform. Seriously, why? The outfits might be attractive (?), I suppose. But the uniform implies a student in primary or secondary school, which comes back to the “underage” problem. (I don’t know of any universities with such uniforms.) Okay, okay, I’ve posted my share of hentai with ladies in these uniforms, but I’ve tried to only post content in which the female actually seems of the age of majority (and frankly it’s much more attractive that way).

Well, that’s my rant. Agree or disagree, I don’t care that much. I just wanted to get this out there.