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Tag: Random

don’t let the ficwriters see this
What did you say
“Her eyes gleamed in the light like irradiated blue topaz.”
this is the most beautiful list of eye-descriptors i have ever seen in my life
“Her eyes shined like a jewel, sort of a Padparadscha mixed with White Opal Star Shine in the middle.”
whoa the hemospectrum on stones
“Your eyes shine like jet nuts.”
new headcanon, sweetie loves singing like the most ghetto rap and hiphop you can imagine.
(Couldn’t reblog rita-kutashtha’s post?)

apparently the key to happiness is to have a long and shitty winter
and if you can’t have that, surround yourself with deadly wildlife
or maybe these countries have free or reasonably priced health care, good education and costs nothing or very little, marriage equality(not all do however on the list but they at least aren’t extremely homophobic either), decent minimum wages, stable economies, low crime rates and so forth and also deadly wildlife because we protect our environment
well i guess australia’s coming off the list soon
Sweden should be no1 !
I actually thought Sweden was.
Reblog if your mod is bored and wants to chat or rp

i thought it said the prime minister was a former cockhead and i got really confused like what the heck he is still a total cockhead
Actual football…. I’m moving to England.
I totally thought one of the words said mollywobbles and I was thoroughly confused.
This is so so accurate ^^ Not porn but meh Im English :P
I’m not English (but this is still out of character for my blog since it’s not porn XD), but I just wanted to point out that Hellmann’s isn’t specific to England. See Wikipedia.
Winter blast 3 Plasmid, fuck yes
Some sort of weapon from Transformers FOC, i cant remember the name.
Nyan cat….I am so fucked
((…Guess I’m gonna be using Kongu’s Air Crossbow against the zombies… *Was playing BIONICLE Heroes PC)))
((… the Master Sword the in Ocarina of Time >w>))
[[ omg i have no weapon!! I was stuck playing Dance Central omfggg huifjvn]]
[A MTAR assault rifle with a ACOG scope… I think I just might survive.]
((Buster sword…. I will take my chances))
Dawnbreaker. Easy win.
((Yoshitsuna the sword with the power to destory worlds.
FUCK YES))Long hafted warhammer. I can keep a distance AND crush skulls. VERY GOOD. Also equipped was a fair sized shield, bastard sword, and throwing spears.
M4A1. I should be good.
Magic. I am literally shooting fire and lighting bolts out of my fingers, among other things.
Oh I got this pretty good fire sword n shield in monster hunter tri….
GUESS THATS GOOD.Shotgun and Shock Jockey in Bioshock Infinite. AWWW YEAAH. Tho my mostly used gun is the pistol ; 3 ;
Well, let’s see, I got the Blades of Exile, the Blade of Olympus, and the Blades of Hades from God of War III, and they are all good at killing zombies, so yeah I’m good.
Raiden’s Sword….. Fuck yeah dis gon be fuuuuuun
Riven’s broken blade. Hopefully I can active it’s true power.
I hate amnesia soooo much right now
A tank from Saints Row: The Third. AWWWWWWWWW YEAHHHHHHHH!!!
Samus’ Powersuit. Fullyfucking powered.
A diamond sword
a machine gun >:D
Ellie’s knife…I will survive!
:/ a broken axe, by my wub,im dead
Portal Gun. Awwwww yeah!
Noob saibots power and scorpions spear and hell power from mk9? Im set for anything that comes my way
I don’t play videogames. Reblogged to show what happens when threaded replies are taken to the extreme. -_-

Heeeeeeey~guess what?
I really just wanted to get this comic done first, but I do intend to decorate the tumblr page itself some.
But alas, I must sleep now. G`night everypony~
ASEKrhfaskdjfhaljdaslfdjghdfg HNNNNnnnnn.
Interesting. I’ll keep my eye on this.