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Tag: Theburningdonut

This blog, if it’s not a porn blog, is for people who want to get off, frankly. So I’m not sure of the value of making this distinction here. But I am open to it. What tags would you suggest?

I could rather easily distinguish between pornography and the other categories you mention (sexual contact vs. none), but sorting out the rest of them (pinups vs. “erotic art”, for example) is less clear. How would you make these distinctions?

When you say I’m “emphasizing a stereotype”, two questions come to mind: What stereotype? That bronies/furries are sexually perverted or that people who draw non-pornographic adult art are perverted? as well as What do you mean by “emphasizing,” and how am I doing it?

First off, I am acknowledging myself as a clopper. (Of course, I’m not super-public about it.) Yes, I do get off to the stuff I post, whether you call it porn or not. That’s not really an issue for me.

I didn’t really address the issue of people distinguishing between different types of adult artwork, because I don’t think anyone really cares. Is that a problem? Maybe. The stereotype seems to be that bronies or furries are sexually perverted, and I assume someone’s less likely to be sexually attracted if that person draws/enjoys only non-pornographic adult art than if the person draws/enjoys porn.

But even if you argue that some people who draw non-pornographic adult art aren’t doing it for sexual reasons, critics can still say adult artwork is a problem. (The main thing I see for the brony fanbase is that children can find it; that’s a much bigger discussion topic on my blog.)




Or not. It might not actually be the musician. (See assertivefluttershy versus assertive-fluttershy.)

(Related posts: First substantial post, extended discussion)

What the fuck? I had no idea we were going to start SHAMING artists who draw and tag there adult stuff now?

I know you want the Brony fandom to be clean and all but this is going a LITTLE to far!

Yeah, I don’t get this weird, creepy obsession with tracking people’s sexuality.

WHO CARES what porn other people like? Especially if it’s kept separated? That was a rhetorical question, but the answer happens to be creepy, judgmental assholes.

In re theburningdonut and nevernoesbest: Please read the links to understand my purpose in posting this. It’s an issue I’ve been trying to deal with.

Besides, it probably isn’t even the musician, judging from the paltry results of searching #assertivefluttershynsfw.