Let it be known, now and forever; I will not under any reason post anymore stupid questions/comments like this again.
To tell someone they have to be part of a “club” to say a certain word is retard and slightly insane. I’ll tell ya what, I’ll stop “Objectifying” trans women when people like you stop being Fascist.
Little neo-nazi(s) like you are doing more harm to the trans community then good. What is futanari if not a huge parade of trans artwork, a fan base? Sure, is not something you see hanging in a gallery, but to many people (Including transsexual and transgendered people) it is something they can connect with. Something they can put themselves into. Futanari artwork is the stepping stones of acceptance, do you know how many male followers this blog has? Each and everyone of them would accept a trans woman into their life with open arms, why? Because they like futanari, because they think traps are cute, because they have seen it done before. I think you need to get over yourself and deal with it, “Some people are Futa, get over it!”To add on to this, futanari is an art form, and one that - by definition - is a form of satire and parody. It does not surprise me (nor should it surprise anyone) that satire will tend to offend, to unnerve, to isolate and, yes, to objectify.
This is what this sub-strata of parody art forms is supposed to do. “Furry,” for instance, is a parody of bestiality (imagine a photo-realistic artistic rendering of furry sex and you’ll be hard pressed to find where the line is any more). It is supposed to take the unfamiliar, the sacred (and what is more sacred in our lives than gender identity?) and force us to re-evaluate our assumptions of what we are, what we think, and how we react to others around us who may not be exactly like us.
The fact that futanari art also arouses, titillates, or otherwise creates the desire to sexualize another person is a fantastic bonus; embrace the discomfort of getting outside of the comfort zone of what is plain vanilla (or habitual) in our every day sex lives.
If Futa creates a redefinition of gender, I say, “Good!” Challenge the norm - even the norm of those who are trying to challenge the ‘norm’ by being futa-like in real life. No one holds a monopoly of what the ‘norm’ should be changed to.
That is, after all, the wonder and power of art in the first place.
Okay, on terminology: “Futanari” is the best term for this sort of thing because (in short) “transgender” doesn’t include individuals who are/are said to be born with such traits, and “androgynous” is too broad.
I personally do not seek to objectify these individuals (well, any more than pornography does by its own nature). I actually hate certain images I’ve seen that seem stereotype futanari individuals as sex-obsessed.
I also like the analyses already provided.