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This is a statement sometimes made to criticize the “darker” (that is, more sexual) part of the fanbase surrounding “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” (“bronies”) and the fan content it produces.

First things first. Heard of Rule 34? Rule 34 is a “Rule of the Internet” that states: “There is porn of it. No exceptions.” (Phrasing may vary.) You probably have heard of it, but I want to clarify this because xkcd seems to apply Rule 34 as: “There is porn of anything you can think of.” However, currently Rule 34 is generally applied as: “There is porn of any existing fictional character.” Kinky porn that isn’t based on any existing character isn’t really considered an application of Rule 34, nor is porn of celebrities (real people). So when I refer to Rule 34, I am referring to sexual content of pre-existing fictional characters.

I get it. A lot people don’t like seeing sexual content of stories and characters they enjoy. But some (myself included) do, so Rule 34 rings true, for ponies as it does for everything else.

About this content being exposed to those who don’t want to see or shouldn’t be seeing it: This is a problem of Rule 34 in general. I think people are doing a fairly good job of preventing this from happening, but I haven’t looked into this much.

It’s a show (mainly) for little girls. That’s true, but this argument fails in pretty much the same way as it does for bronies themselves: People can enjoy things that weren’t originally intended for them.

They’re horses, not people! Okay, okay. But you only have to look to the furry fandom for a counterargument. Some furry fans/“furries” create sexual content involving animal characters. Sure, “Friendship is Magic” characters aren’t anthropomorphic like most furry characters, but they have the same sort of intelligence that makes them human-relatable characters. (Plus, there are plenty of anthropomorphic ponies to go around.)

TL;DR: Yeah, it’s disturbing for a lot of people. But it’s Rule 34. What did you expect?



Tell me how YOU masturbate. Do you taste your fingers? Do you pinch your nipples? Do you spank? Do you tickle? Do you fuck yourself? <leans in to whisper> Tell me.


(Ladies, feel free to respond to lil-miss-bi-curious’s questions.)







I find it comical when women think I care about

If one titty is slightly bigger than the other
Fat areas
Bumps or discoloration
Morning breath
Human flaws

If I have you naked in front of me and I am naked too, the only thing on my mind is where am I putting my mouth first

Some women really need to remember this

Omg I think I love you

Thanks man

❤️ give me this man

This is pretty much me.


You know what I hate about paizuri (titjob/tit fucking) depicted in hentai? The woman’s breasts are always huge. Props to #4 and #5 in this set for at least getting close.



Posting delicious cake.

And same method a bunch of other tumblr artists got nuked.  One or two folks with an inability to differentiate between fantasy and reality think drawn small horses equate to real children decided to abuse tumblrs flawed report system (if a single blog gets enough reports it’ll auto nuke them).

You don’t get it dude. “small horses equate to real children” is a reason enough to get banned. Fillies are children and tumblr considers foalcon to be “child pornography”. And as much as I am sorry for your blog to get purged because of any foalcon art you want to draw, that’s just how Tumblr law unfortunately works :/

Thank you.

Obligatory link to my main post on this.