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Tag: Elections





Yes. Congress getting anything done besides filling their pockets would be amazing. Too bad that will never happen

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Unfortunately every time I have voted, I am getting fucked. I don’t believe in my own government anymore. No matter who complained voter or not, were all getting fucked.

Voting nowadays is like this:

You’re going about your business when two guys stop you. One says “I’m going to whack you in the right knee with this crowbar.” The other says “I’m going to whack you in the left knee with this golf club. You have to choose, or we’ll both whack you in the knees.”

So you stop and think about it, and the golf club sounds slightly less painful, so you choose the that one. He grabs the crowbar from the other, hits you in both knees, then rifles through your pockets.

Years pass, and the same thing happens, but this time you choose the crowbar, and this time he takes the golf club from the other guy, hits you in the knees, and rifles your pockets.

This happens every two to four years, and eventually you choose the guy standing off to the side with a whiffle ball bat. The two guys ignore your choice and hit you in the knees, then steal your wallet.

This happens to everybody, and they say “at least it wasn’t that other guy.”

That’s why I like voting for ballot measures. XD