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Tag: Mittsies

Happy New Year! More music.

So, this is the background music from a certain animation by Mittsies, which has always left a bad taste in my mouth. Seriously, it was just sad. So I made this remix. Angry/freaky hardcore techno. I don’t know.


Creative Commons License
This work by Jack’s Crush is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

WARNING: Grim/dark fanfiction fuel below

(After I saw the animation I thought maybe someone could write a fanfic about how Fluttershy is shy because she was sexually abused when she was younger. Oh, dear goodness. This makes the animation sadder than it already was.)

That quotation says it all. This game is by ButtercupSaiyan, Mittsies, and Suddensharpintakeofbreath.

Just click the “Next” button in the upper-left corner to advance the situation, and follow the dialogue (or minimize it) in the lower-left corner.

Well, the premise is Nightmare Night, but other than that I have no idea. Still, it was oddly arousing. The music is…sufficiently appropriate.

EDIT: Just a minor note, you can click Trixie’s hat to change it. Just found that out.