Commenting on clop, yiff, and occasionally other erotica. Highly NSFW. You can call me Craig. (Check out the directory for ways you can help me categorize my content better.) [This is a mirror of my Tumblr blog. Please read "About This Site" for more information.]
Commenting on clop, yiff, and occasionally other erotica. Highly NSFW. You can call me Craig. (Check out the directory for ways you can help me categorize my content better.) [This is a mirror of my Tumblr blog. Please read "About This Site" for more information.]
Hasbro have been clamping down on copyright violations recently and PP has been getting a lot of harassment from bronies who automatically assume that it’s her fault, on multiple websites. (hateful twitter messages, rude asks, emails, etc) As a result she’s decided to take a break from tumblr, which is entirely understandable.
I imagine she’ll come back to tumblr when things have died down, but I don’t know. She doesn’t owe anyone an explanation, either, so please don’t try to bombard her with messages demanding such. I just want her to do what’s best for her own health. It’s absolutely disgusting that a teenage girl has been bullied and harassed this much by a fandom for a childrens’ cartoon. Particularly a fandom that likes to pat itself on the back so much for being against bullying. Anyone who advocates this kind of behaviour or thinks “she deserves it” or “she brought it on herself” should be ashamed of themselves.
bronies care a lot about bullying.
First off: PP taking her blog down - fuck yes, serves the idiot right.
I wonder if Dragondicks knows about PP’s hypocrisy, and whether he would still whiteknight for her then?
She said that bronies shouldn’t be supporting a 9yr old boy who got bullied to the point of trying to commit suicide due to him being a brony - because apparently the boy didn’t deserve any help or support
Oh, and despite her railing against MLP:FiM porn, she’s drawn it herself - ponies in fetish gear no less.
and hell, the shit that her ex boyfriend has told the internet… holy shit…
What he describes is a pathological attenseeking liar who threaten to commit suicide if you made her upset - would claim to have been carrying around a dead baby inside of her for ten months (wtf!?) and even tried to manipulate and control the poor guy so he couldn’t hang out with his friends - only her, because if she wasn’t getting all the attention… she’d kill herself
oh, and honestly - don’t forget that we’re talking about a 14yr old here. This is not some well educated adult. We’re talking about a hormonal teenager who craves attention and threatens to kill herself if just about anything bad happens to her
Fuck - I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: If I ever see that piece of human garbage I’ll give an earful most forcefully and relish in her tears. And upload it all on youtube for good measure.
Of course, I wouldn’t tell her to kill herself. Never. I would tell her that she likely needs counceling, a lot of it, and that she needs to rethink her life quite a bit. Most of all I would tell her that she’s an idiot based on her behavior so far - and I would love every second of it
I was thinking to add in a long commentary of how hypocritical the Brony community is and how quick they are to discredit someone else simply because they share an opinion different than their own.
I was hoping to bring up the fact that Bronies will jump on any sort of information slandering someone they dislike regardless on how false and unreliable the source may be. This coupled with the fact that they often gloss over their OWN problems or any sort of shady dealings involve things they LIKE and APPROVE of.
I wanted to point out that the Brony community is so quick to throw thousands and thousands of dollars to stop bullying only to turn around and bully, harass, and threaten others.
But nothing I say will EVER do as wonderful and as perfect a job in pointing out these problems in the Brony community as much as Bronies do on a day to day basis so I bolded all you need to know.
Well done!
Well good sir, it sounds more to me like you’re just echoing Dragondicks.
What problems in the brony community? (I know there’s plenty drama, disagrements on headcanons, that sort… but I wouldn’t call that problems)
Still, you call the brony community hypocritical for discrediting others - seemingly merely for having ‘opinions’ other than their own. Have you even read some of the things that PP have posted?
Oh well, white-knights gonna whiteknight, no matter how moronic the people they defend are
“Oh well, white-knights gonna whiteknight, no matter how moronic the people they defend are”
If you think people calling out the bullshit in a community that bullied a young girl are simply “whiteknights” then it’s clear that there is no point in discussing anything with you. If you THINK that the only reason dragondicks and I could POSSIBLY care about this is because we’re both men who want to get with Pinkie then you are sorely mistaken on a multitude of levels.
First level being that this isn’t about “white-knighting” or any other asinine term you may have for this, this is about the hypocrisy in a community that pats itself on the back with one hand and shoves people with the other.
Second level, this isn’t about whether or not a person “deserves” it. This is about a bunch of grown ass men bullying someone (female OR male) to the point where they need to uproot their blog.
Third level, BOTH Dragondicks and I are females who are in a happy and healthy relationship with others who feel the same way we do.
Whatever crumbly little foundation your argument stood on has been shattered with the implication that we only care about others as a means to get into their pants.
You see no problems because you ARE the problem.
Uhm sweety - you keep referring to PinkiePony as “a young girl” as if she’s some poor innocent soul who’s done nothing wrong… again, I would suggest that you do a little googling
oh, and I’m sorry about the misconception about your gender (Couldn’t really tell from your tumblr pages, but ultimately it doesn’t make much of a difference) - also, my girlfriend think PinkiePony is an idiot as well, so she feels the same as me too :)
Oh, and do keep in mind that PinkiePony quite effectively did the exact same thing you’re accusing me of: The only reason bronies dislike her is because she bullied another tumblr user to the point that his blog was shut down as well by filling bogus reports to tumblr - simply because she didn’t like the content of that blog.
You see no problem with what she did because you are… blinded by SJW dogma
You’re so blinded by the idea that “oh no, PP is being victimized” that you don’t even care what she did to provoke such a response from others. Have you considered that if you kick the hornets nest that is 4chan that you might get stung?
Are you seriously suggesting that PinkiePony managed to “bully” what was once the most popular pony blog on Tumblr, with thousands and thousands of followers and unwavering support from the pillars of brony culture? Because if you are, you’re the one in desperate need of counselling, as you seem to have lost touch with reality.
Bullying comes from a place of power. In the instance of the rape culture blog that got taken down, it and its creator had all the power in this situation. Speaking out against it was a surefire way to get attacked by legions of bronies frothing with equal parts hate and poor excuses for why it totally wasn’t a rape blog. And yet people did anyway, because it was just that terrible, it had to be spoken out against.
Any group in power that rises up and slings insults and hatred in order to silence dissent is the bully, the ones they’re attacking the victims. Nobody in the world should have to suffer that, and if speaking out against the terrible actions of bronies and their spawning pool 4chan causes it, well, to take your analogy to its logical conclusion…
Fair enough - the term “bullying” to describe what PP did isn’t exactly accurate.
What she did would be more akin to trolling or simply abusing the tumblr report system - whatever term you want to use for that? Fraud? Bearing false witness?
The point was that she didn’t like the Molestia blog. Fine, she’s free to have an opinion.
However, she went beyond that: She abused the tumblr report system to frame the Molestia blog as something it wasn’t - to get it taken down.
And keep in mind: This was done, what, three times? Before the last one, then the Molestia tumblr was restored each time via the creator and the fans asking Tumblr nicely to review the account-closure and reconsider.
Each time they were restored, which means that someone at Tumblr looked at the blog, then compared it to the reports filed against it - and said “No, these reports clearly aren’t true - back up you go”
This should be telling you something. That PP and her ilk were able to do the trick repeatedly by various means just shows how easily tumblr’s automated report and takedown system can be tricked.
Now, I originally called it bullying because I figured it wasn’t that different. IMO what she did isn’t that unlike a bully in a sandbox stomping on someone’s sandcastle because said bully doesn’t like it - and even if you rebuild the sandcastle, then the bully just stomps it again because nope, still don’t like you doing that.
If someone destroys something you like, because they don’t like it - and keeps on doing so even after you remake it - all to make you stop doing it… shit, if that isn’t some kind of bullying I do… oh, oh I know
Its terrorism.
I mean, you wreck shit to make stop doing certain things. You want to send you girls to school in pakistan? Nope, here’s a bomb. You rebuild the school? Have another bomb.
You like that blog? Nope, here’s a trumped up shutdown. You got it back? Have another trumped up takedown.
I would like to thank you Alexander for making me think this through to this final conclusion.
I love how these people that continue to do absolutely nothing to help anyone other than themselves somehow didn’t notice that her blog isn’t actually gone.
Also, isn’t it cute how Dragondicks goes full-capslock instead of actually contesting anything anyone says like a calm, rational human being?
Let’s face the facts here: The very operation of this “movement” that this “poor widdle girl” tried to start was built on a foundation of lies and hypocrisy. It was never about helping victims. If it was, you would think they would have done more than just sit around circle-jerking over a single fan base (a fan base, mind you, that has done more to help actual rape victims than all of these so-called “feminists” combined).
When legitimate statistics discrediting them are put before them, they refuse to read it, and resort to calling the poster “trash”.
When unbiased studies, conducted by women, that debunk the false statistics that they pass around as truth are given to them, they do the same.
Whenever even their own words in which they constantly contradict themselves are placed before them, they completely lose their minds. That one is the funniest, because it’s literally what they have said that is being shown to them. They become even more irate when you present them with Pinkiepony’s own blog posts in which she’s caught in her own hypocrisy. Truth is more painful than fiction.
Lastly, they love - love - to hide behind the “little girl” argument, as if Pinkiepony isn’t literally a half step from reaching adulthood. They support everything she says, and then turn around and claim that she can’t be held accountable for her words due to her age. I’m sure that, as soon as she does turn 18, they’ll suddenly start screeching about how “TURNING 18 DOESN’T AUTOMATICALLY MAKE YOU AN ADULT!”. Meanwhile, they’ve doxxed and sent death threats to teenage boys, and also told someone they were going to “rape her in the ass with a knife” because that person disagreed with them on the internet. Frankly, I’m rather surprised that they have yet to launch an attack against Youtuber InternetAristocrat over his video about Pinkiepony (one which, mind you, has received nearly 20,000 views now, with over 2,000 likes, and an embarrassingly miniscule 31 dislikes. That kind of says something, doesn’t it? And this is from people who aren’t even in the pony fan base, and many of which who actually dislikeit. So much for her followers and all their “support”.).
These people are the most self-centered, immature, and painfully egocentric people I have ever had the misfortune of coming across while traversing the World Wide Web. They place themselves on a moral pedestal, despite accomplishing nothing worthwhile whatsoever. They had the sheer audacity to question the charity done by others, while giving absolutely nothing of themselves. Meanwhile, this “little girl” that they so worship has very tactlessly tried to divert attention away from a little boy that tried to kill himself, and makehis pain all about her. Then, she tried to insist that the fan base was only donating towards his treatment because “he’s a brony”. Funny, considering that the “Seeds of Kindness” charity (which has been held three times now) has helped quite a number of children in Uganda, and I’m pretty sure none of them have ever even seen the show. She tried to devalue the genuine bullying undergone by two other little boys, and again tried to bring attention back to herself. Every time anyone else suffers real life consequences, she tries to be the bigger victim, including making up numerous wildly implausible stories in order to emotionally manipulate others into feeding her ego with their sympathy.
Plain and simple, these people do not care who they hurt, as long as it boosts their own sense of self-importance. They do not care about anyone but themselves. These are not “feminists”. These are spoiled, entitled teenagers who have no idea what activism really means. Then, they go about it in such a disgustingly inappropriate manner that it is doing far more harm than good. To top it off, when their airheaded little martyr finally goes into hiding after shooting her mouth off at an animator who produced only family-friendly content, perhaps - perhaps - a lesson started coming into the clear:
The genuine goodwill of a person is measured by what they actually give of themselves - what they actually accomplish. And this fan base, without any of them demanding to be individually recognized for it (something which must truly blow the minds of these attention-seeking “activists”) has given tens of thousands of dollars to various charities the world over, including a recent charity drive for RAINN that has so far doubled the intended goal. Regardless of the “ulterior motives” that these whiny little teenagers insist they may have for doing so, the fact remains that - even if they were right - they’re still actually helping others. The people receiving the benefits of these donations could care less why they’re receiving them. Meanwhile, Pinkiepony and her followers have the unmitigated gall to act pompous about the gigantic load of nothing that they have done for even a single human being.
If this is what you call “activism”, then frankly, the victims of the world are better off without your “help”.
even tho i try to avoid reblogging social justice stuff i think this is kinda important i guess?
The Smackdown in this post is too strong to not reblog. Everything Tenaflyviper says in this post is quite true on many levels. I usually avoid posting these type of things, but this is important…
For convenience, the video by InternetAristocrat is here.
Well, I’m afraid you’re very much like her then. You just happen to be on the other side of the same fence.
At the age of 24, I’m one of the older bronies in the fandom—seeing as how most bronies run the age of 14 to 18. And when I take a step back, I just see all these teenagers squabbling. They’re all pointing fingers, full of that same emotional intensity and irrational judgement that teenagers are notorious for. And they’re forgetting to look at things logically and without biases.
A lot of what they all say has some merit too. DWM had some good points. The people defending APM had some too. (Though in the end, I supported DWM).
All these kids are so caught up in their own drama, feeling like the emotional center of the universe, they fail to look at anything objectively. this goes for Pinkiepony, as well as pretty most of the teenagers harass her.
Maybe you’re not a teenager yourself (no way for me to know), but I do know that you very much sound like one. So does pinkiepony. And so does everyone sending her hateful messages. There may be adults opposed to her, but I’m confident they’re at least being civil about it.
I suddenly feel very old, and like I’m surrounded by noisy brazen kids. I just want to relax, and have a peaceful time. But all these kids are too busy mudslinging to give me any peace.
And the real sad thing is, most (if not all) of the teenagers reading this will understand this post. They’ll rebel against it, saying they’re perfectly mature for their age. And yet it’s impossible for them o be that way. I acted the same when I was that age. And we all wanted to assert we were “big kids” when we were actually 10.
I suppose there is can be really done. All I can do is attempt to mitigate the damage of these kids, and grit my teeth until they hopefully grow up.
((Don’t worry, you aren’t the oldest one here xD
As for PP and DWM, I came down on the side of “Really, this is the worst thing you can find to protest? I mean, over here’s an entire Tumblr about the rape, torture, and enslavement of every mare in Equestria by an invading force, including the plucking of wings and amputation of horns, but APM is seriously what you’re going after?”
That said, I actually did make some posts on my Twitter highlighting APM posts that were actually really quite rapy. I don’t think JJ’s intent was for APM to be rape humor. I think the goal was to have a humorous ask blog about an overly horny Celestia. But, that doesn’t mean a few of the posts didn’t cross the line. Also, I firmly maintain there are way more worthy targets if you’re going after glorification of rape culture.
I also defused a hate campaign against PP over the APM closure. As I pointed out, the letter she sent to hasbro mentioned both APM and this other god awful rape glorification blog. APM got taken down and the other one did not. There is no way Hasbro moved based on that letter and took out APM and /not/ the other one too. Tumblr killed APM, probably as a result of abuse of the report system. They did not get a C&D unless JJ has since changed his story. In the end, though she claims credit for it, I do not believe DWM or PP had anything to do with APM’s ultimate departure.))
I won’t reveal my exact age, but I’d like to say that I am talking the slightest bit of offense to the whole age thing. I think I avoided all the mudslinging, but all my DM-related posts are conveniently tagged #Down with Molestia if anyone wants to challenge that.
It seems that Hasbro was involved in taking down “Ask Princess Molestia.” This isn’t certainly the first time Hasbro has given the C&D to pony fan work, but Pinkiepony’s e-mail that is credited for initiating the C&D is worth examining:
Minor note: The destination e-mail address reads “HasbroBrandPR,” which is assumed to be based on Hasbro’s contact webpage. This address is supposed to be for the press (“Only inquires from press will be returned.”), which probably explains why Pinkiepony never got a response. As for the proper contact address, I think “Corporate Social Responsibility” would’ve been the best, but I’m not sure.
Pinkiepony states in the first paragraph that “one very popular one [fan work] has become so popular that children find it when searching for your products.” This echoes her original reasoning for starting this movement (reblogged by me). But I conducted a similar experiment to the one I conducted concerning My Little Pony Rule 34 in general: I searched “Princess Celestia” on Google with SafeSearch. I couldn’t find any Molestia. I’m really starting to wonder exactly how the girl she talked about found this content.
She also refers to another blog, “The Fall of Equestria,” which seems to be set in some alternate (post-apocalyptic?) universe with various mares as sex slaves. That blog is still up as of the writing of this post, even though it’s much worse than “Ask Princess Molestia” in my opinion. Did Hasbro not get around to that, or what?
As of January 17th, 3:00pm EST, the infamous MLP Fan-Tumblr, “Ask Princess Molestia” is gone off the internet. The URL for the blog returns a notification that there is nothing to find. The blog’s URL cannot be taken, indicating that the blog has been suspended.
“Ask Princess Molestia” has recently been the target of a campaign known as “Down With Molestia”, spearheaded pinkiepony who notoriously has been fighting rape culture and JJ’s blog as she has stated many times in her postings.
Assuming the following transcript is true, it seems Hasbro was involved with the take down of the blog, JJ saying “I got to big” and it was suspended by “tumblr becasue of hasbro”
Let’s all just take a moment & realize that if PinkiePony was a male victim of rape who started up the “Down With Molestia” campaign, nobody would’ve done anything to stop her & probably have triple the support.
…but since she’s a female she instead gets multiple death threats, people harshly impersonating her, has numerous false rumors spread around, & a shocking amount of people mocking her just for sticking up for something she believed that needed to be said…
Think about it before you try to tell me that I’m wrong.
Something to think about. I personally have not given PinkiePony any of this hate, though.
I know I’ll lose followers, I know I’ll get hate mail, but I’m tired of my voice being silenced. I want to be heard. This is not a joke. Sexual abuse and molestation is not a joke. I’m a victim myself, and to see people taking it so lightly, is sickening. Rape is not a joke. Rape is not sexy. Stop glorifying these acts. I recently babysat a child who entered my room, and upon seeing my massive My Little Pony collection, she ran to my Friendship is Magic shelf and started naming them, and once she got to Celestia, she told me she rapes people. She simply googled images of Celestia, and that little girl now knows what rape is. That was the last straw. I haven’t told many of you, but I had a terrible rape experience and My Little Pony is my passion. This needs to end.
I want to make a difference. Im willing to fight. Down with Molestia! We need to take a stand. Who’s with me?
So this is the seminal post for “Down with Molestia.” (Or not; correct me if I’m wrong.)
Let me start off by saying this: I can see where you’re coming from with this. That story is quite shocking, but it shows more the inability of cloppers and others interested in more “mature” themes to keep their material discreet and marked. But as rape is a very serious issue, and seeing as you yourself are a victim of sexual abuse, I can see why you’re taking it in this direction.
I am sorry that you and your supporters are getting hate (not simple criticism) for this. However, I think your campaign is a bit extreme, and somewhat exaggerates the influence of APM. It is one blog, and I have to agree with hazama-itsuru (reblogged by you) that parents should be more careful when their children are online. I believe this is what John Joseco meant with #354, that supporting APM is not supporting or trivializing rape. (Some have interpreted this as rape apology, which I think is a misconstruation.) Should he have defended himself more maturely? Probably. Do I agree with him on this? Maybe, but I’m not too sure yet.
That’s all I have to say for now. I’ll probably follow up with this soon. I hope people can continue to discuss things civilly despite the controversial issues presented.