Commenting on clop, yiff, and occasionally other erotica. Highly NSFW. You can call me Craig. (Check out the directory for ways you can help me categorize my content better.) [This is a mirror of my Tumblr blog. Please read "About This Site" for more information.]
Uh, Switzerland is nowhere near AUS. You may want to check your geographic knowledge before you go on to randomly insult someone about politics. Talk about right wing nut stereotypes.
(I was just passing through the blog, but this was too funny!)
I’m sorry I don’t speak Spanish, and Google translate was no help either.
Does anyone know Spanish and could translate this better than Google could?
This is about a month old, but I was just going through Killryde's blog to see if he had finished "Bridle Girls" (he hasn't). As a few have already pointed out, Anonymous is asking that Killryde write the comics in Spanish and publish all the "Bridle Girls" comics. This has been followed up here and here. I just thought this was interesting since according to mixtor, "That guy has written on various tumblrs, he thinks everyone speaks Spanish to him," and I actually do speak Spanish, so I'll watch out for him. XD
Esto ya es de como un mes, pero yo sólo estaba pasando por el blog de Killryde para ver si ya terminó "Bridle Girls" (no ya lo termina). Unos ya han traducido la pregunta al inglés, y eso se ha proseguido aquí y aquí. (Según el segundo enlance, el cómic ya se ha traducido al español; se puede acceder aquí.) Esto me interesaba porque según mixtor, "Ese hombre ha escrito en varios Tumblrs, cree que todos hablan espanol a él," y yo sí hablo espanol, entonces estoy atento a él. XD
Wh0000psbuttsex. XD BWAHAHAHA
“heartbuttsex”? -_- But I hate buttsex!
Same here. I’m pretty sure it simply started with some basic elitist hate that turned into a bandwagon that all the elitist typographers hopped onto, hoping they could be cool guys too.
Sure, you don’t want to write a paper with it. But that applies to ANY DESIGN FONT. And that’s exactly what it is, a design. If someone doesn’t like it, fine. More power to them.
But like any art form, don’t turn your noses up in disgust at it. That’s snobbish and narcissistic.
/2 bits
Hello! I was the one who asked about the Comic Sans. (I made it anonymous just because nobody needs to go to my blog from Ambris's SFW blog. [Well, there's a chance that someone might go through the notes, but... Okay, I didn't really think it through. XD])
Anyway, I don't hate Comic Sans; as a matter of fact, I love it for comics. (I can't draw, but if I did make a comic I'd use it since my handwriting is terrible.)
The thing I hate is that it's often terribly misused. (Take CERN's reports of the Higgs Boson or a Flickr group with usage of Comic Sans (with varying degress of [im]propriety).) I asked because some people just don't realize what font they're using (which might explain why it's so often misused). (Maybe they just focus on the forms of the letters and don't pay attention to the names of the fonts.)
About "font rules": Actually, some say Comic Sans doesn't follow certain rules for "good" type (such as kerning and stroke thickness), but it's supposed to resemble handwriting, which, unless it's for calligraphy, doesn't follow those rules.
As to the propriety of the use for the specific case I asked about (the "Donations" text)... I'm a bit mixed. If it's supposed to be "comic-like" but you don't want to use your own handwriting, go for it.
Commissioned by Rated Ponystar.
That was such an incredibly huge project. It took me weeks, literally. So happy to be finally finished! Enjoy some sweet Appledash! <3
Big thanks to my wife Callisto, for helping me with ideas and critique, and to Ponystar for writing such a sweet script and of course for commissioning me to bring it to life. It was fun!
Behold the project I was busy with the last few weeks.
Man fuck you. Why you making me cry?, th is also reminds me the saddest song
This is my 700th post, and I recently got 70 followers! Thanks, everyone!
EDIT: I’ve removed two posts before this, so this now my 698th.
Always have, always will.
And I’m proud.
We’re all people. And it makes sense, right?
I’d be the universe’s biggest hypocritical asshole if I didn’t.
Love you all<3
born straight, refuse to hate
I actually want to see these new $100 notes.