Tag: Reblog
Hey guys, could you please reblog more? It helps me out more if you guys reblog rather than just liking the picture. I enjoy the notes regardless but I would really appreciate more reblogs. Thank you!
I always reblog things. I only liked things back when you couldn’t reblog answers.

I don’t care who the fuck you are, or what you’re doing. You can take 3 seconds to reblog this.
I miss you..
That last comment broke my heart..Why did you do it?
shit better reblog this so i can continue reblogging memes and unsourced, edited fanart for…
not taking the risk

i swear if all of you dont reblog this i will cry
Reblogging because I really don’t care what you are, as long as you’re nice to others and happy with your choice, that’s all that matters.
I’ve noticed that nobody’s bothered to comment using Disqus on my blog since I’ve installed it. I suppose it’s easier to reblog something (or reply to it, if that’s applicable). I installed Disqus mainly to avoid indentation nightmares like this, and maybe this, concerning actual discussion posts, if people reply too many times.
I don’t know, it seems that the longest discussions still don’t have problems. In any case though, it’s there, and I’ve explained how to use it.