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Tag: Stereotyping


thank god for the safesearch filter….

What bothers me the most is not that a 5 year-old can’t use the internet if he/she wants, but the fact that this exists. This is a thing. At some point someone watched the show and said “Oh god I want to fuck those ponies”.
You couldn’t respect the target audience or the innocence of the show and instead made all kinds of porn and complaint when anyone said it was wrong.
And before you start saying “CLOPPERS R NOT BAD PEPOL U SHUDNT JUDGE THEM FOR LIEKENG SOMTHING U DONT!!1!1!!” let me tell you: Easily 90% of the cloppers I met IRL are the kind of people you would like to punch in the face. Disrespectful,annoying, stupid, perverts… they all are. Even when I told them I don’t like clop, they will insist in discusing the topic with me, showing me pics and TF2 sprays. Even in meetups: And have I told you about that time someone drew FIFTEEN CLOP PICTURES AND SENT THE TO ME VIA FACEBOOK?  no? well, that.

See this post for my main response to the whole “porn of a little girls’ show” lot.

Okay, I’m sorry for your unfavorable experiences with cloppers, but this whole argument of, “The majority of them I’ve met are terrible, so most of them are like that,” doesn’t make a lot of sense, for either cloppers or bronies.

A lot of the hate that bronies get seems to be due to negative experiences with certain fans, either online or in real life. But this isn’t good evidence because the ones who are terrible tend to be more outspoken; this is sometimes called the “vocal minority.” The same argument applies to your experiences with cloppers.

But this “vocal minority” argument applied to any diverse group is highly debatable, so my philosophy is to just judge people individually for their actions. The people whom you’ve had the misfortune of encountering are not cloppers. They are assholes.