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Copyright law is about to change 

For more than a year Congress has been holding hearings for the drafting of a brand new US Copyright Act. At its heart is the return of Orphan Works

What does this mean for artists? it means it will make it easier for infringers to steal artists works and harder for people who are making or trying to make a living out of art more difficult. This will effect every artist and all the artwork they have created, are creating, and will be created. Corporates, Big businesses, and publishers want this to pass to make money out off artists works without paying us artists for past, current, and future artwork. 

Basic Facts About The Law Being Proposed

 - “The Next Great Copyright Act” would replace all existing copyright law. 

 - It would void our Constitutional right to the exclusive control of our work.

 - It would “privilege” the public’s right to use our work.

 - It would “pressure” you to register your work with commercial registries.

 - It would “orphan” unregistered work.

 - It would make orphaned work available for commercial infringement by “good faith” infringers. 

 - It would allow others to alter your work and copyright these “derivative works” in their own names. 

 - It would affect all visual art: drawings, paintings, sketches, photos, etc.; past, present and future; published and unpublished; domestic and foreign. 

** Ways to stop this or preventing these changes from happening**

 > > > > > > >  DEADLINE IS NEXT THURSDAY: JULY 23, 2015 < < < < < < 

 - share, reblog this post, spread it for other artists to take notice and action.

 - You can submit a letter on how this law can be an issue for you as an artist here.

 - Non-U.S. artists can email their letters to the attention of:

Catherine Rowland
Senior Advisor to the Register of Copyrights
U.S. Copyright Office

More About the Issue

Example Letters

Articles about this - 1, 2, 3, 4

“Right now nobody has to understand copyright law because you’re protected by it, but under the law they are proposing, copyright law wont protect you anymore.”

- Brad Holland (Quote from the video - at 1:23:30)

seriously check this out, really needs to be stopped

I think this is sensationalized, but I’m reblogging this to encourage further investigation. Here’s the Copyright Office’s original report (“Orphan Works and Mass Digitization”).



Not my best, but eh.

Love me some Moondancer.

I will definitely be drawing more Twilight x Moondancer. yes.

And no, I didn’t just get lazy and not finish Twi in the thought bubble, I like the difference between them in coloring.

I really don’t want to jump on the Moondancer bandwagon, but…


The year is 2015, and you still have to explain to adult men AND women that there’s no such thing as a “tight” or “loose” vagina, because it’s a muscle that expands and contracts depending on a variety of reasons. Or that a woman does not pee out of her vagina. Or that reaching an orgasm during sexual assault does not mean the person enjoyed it. Or that abortion is not the destruction of a fetus, but is of a clump of cells. That the length of a penis has NO relevance to the ability to preform well sexually, since the average vagina is only 3-4 inches long. That pubic hair is not unsanitary or gross, it actually helps protect the sex organs against bacteria, and shaving actually increases chance of infection, abscesses and rashes. But no, we don’t need comprehensive sex ed in America, we’re doing fine!

Can I add that what you see on the outside is not the vagina?