Discussion: Down with Molestia (The TL;DR Anthology)
I think a lot of things I’ve said have gotten lost in walls of text. I’ll try to summarize each of my posts in one or two sentences as a reference. I’ll also do this for other extended discussions. These summaries are necessarily simplified, so I encourage those who are interested to read through the full posts (especially if they disagree). (Please reblog the actual posts if you have something in response to them.)
- WTF did I just find?
- What’s going on?
- This movement is bringing up some serious issues. APM probably trivializes rape, but I don’t see how it’s “rape-apologetic” (blaming the victim).
- Parents have to make sure children can’t find this sort of stuff.
- Look, Pinkiepony, I get why you’re doing this, but I think it’s a bit extreme. I hope we all can discuss things civilly.
- Ask Princess Consentia: Presenting something new instead of just hating!
- (Is civility really impossible?) I don’t think people actually get off to APM, and I actually do think children should be protected from it.
- DM would be more credible if they didn’t twist things into extremes. Also, you can still care about rape victims but not support DM.
- (Someone doesn’t want to communicate with me anymore. This is my final response.) Sorry you’re disturbed by my masturbatory habits, but you made the first accusation. Again, I don’t even get off to rape or APM.
- Oh jeez, someone got disturbed by my revelations of clopping.
- If Pinkiepony were a male victim of rape, she’d get more support.
- It’s more than the blog. I get that.
- Make people aware of rape culture, don’t just accuse them of being a part of it from the offset.
- APM normalizes rape. Okay, but you still need to give people a chance to think.
- If DM is really about changing people’s minds, that’s great. But that’s not really getting to a lot of people.
- Rapists are to blame for rape, no one else. I think APM #354 tried to compare it to campaigns against fast food.
- I just think DM wouldn’t have gotten as much flak if they didn’t make accusations.
- Everyone needs to calm down. These are serious issues, but this isn’t the right way to approach them.
- Do some actual work to help victims of sexual abuse.
- People have a right to free speech. It may be offensive and wrong, but I’m not going to try to stop anyone.
- Sure, free speech covers criticism of APM as well, but don’t force anything.
- Free speech also covers calls for APM to be removed. But I think this is wrong, too. I think it’s better to make DM a catalyst for awareness of bigger issues.
- I’ve said all I can say. No further comment (for now).
- (Oh no, it’s happening again!) I think a lot of flak wasn’t just for being against APM; I think it was for overreacting and making false accusations. There will always be “mature” content in the brony fandom.
- APM got taken down. An e-mail from Pinkiepony to Hasbro may be a part of it.
- Pinkiepony posts her e-mail.
- John Joseco is a bit like Phil Robertson. Both said things that are offensive to a lot of people, but they were still exercising free speech. Criticism is okay, but calls to have APM removed by force are not appropriate.
- The main thing Pinkiepony pointed out in her e-mail to Hasbro was that children could find it, but I couldn’t find anything on Google with SafeSearch on.
- Bronies/APM supporters shouldn’t be attacking Pinkiepony; this goes against what the fandom is supposed to be about.
- APM’s removal has taught us that we need to make sure that children can’t find mature content… Wait, you mean you weren’t already doing that?!
- Creators have done their part. Parents need to step up.
- DM won. Now how about the problem of rape in the rest of the world?
- A lot of hate on both sides is coming from teenagers being teenagers.
- Pinkiepony took down her Tumblr blog because of the harassment (and why this is a good thing).