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This sums up main response to those who say bronies who produce adult content are ruining the show for children.

Adapted from a comment on Derpibooru at 2014 January 14 23:02 UTC. (It should be on the third-to-last page of comments.)


Yeah, but if you type in a specific character you do get r34

Please turn on SafeSearch and get back to me.






This sums up main response to those who say bronies who produce adult content are ruining the show for children.

Adapted from a comment on Derpibooru at 2014 January 14 23:02 UTC. (It should be on the third-to-last page of comments.)


Okay so that’s what happens when you type in “My Little Pony”. What about searching a few popular characters? Rainbow Dash?

Whoops what’s that in the middle?
Okay how about the pegasi?

Childish curiosity + something about ‘rules’ concerning a show where the lead character sticks to rules? Hm.
And I hope your favourite characters aren’t the Apple Family

The problem isn’t that there’s “so much porn”. It’s that the porn sneaks into other searches where kids can find it. You wanna explain to little kids why Applejack is an orange human jizzing out of a horse cock you go the fuck ahead.

I just don’t get how a show about being nice and decent to people has descended into this.

One thing is that I did those searches to try and confirm the results but I could only find them with safe search turned off.

Secondly it’s not that hard to explain to a child that there are some adult things that aren’t bad but they’re not meant to see yet, it’s what my parents did for me and it’s a part of growing up for lots of children.

Thirdly and the biggest one of all in my mind is that for all of the rule 34 of kid’s shows and media, from mlp to frozen, from dbz to pokemon, all of that is absolutely dwarfed by the chance of a kid getting curious and googling the word ‘sex’.

Second on the SafeSearch. (But I couldn’t confirm the Apple family results. What was the specific query?)


This sums up main response to those who say bronies who produce adult content are ruining the show for children.

Adapted from a comment on Derpibooru at 2014 January 14 23:02 UTC. (It should be on the third-to-last page of comments.)

EDIT: Wow! The response to this has been overwhelming. A lot of people who have reblogged this have already said a lot that I agree with, but if you have the occasion to return to this original post, here are the main posts that go into detail about my response:

Thank you for your time.

For those who don’t know, I have made quite a few posts about children finding “adult” content related to “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.” (Each word in “I…posts” is a separate link. That might not be obvious, depending on where you’re reading this.) (EDIT: I found another post.)

But recently I found another post decrying bronies who make and consume such content, and it made me think about all these stories. (Forgive me for beating a dead horse [that idiom is doubly appropriate in this case], but after all, it was part of Pinkiepony’s original motivation for “Down with Molestia” [my reblogging/response].) (When I checked the original source of the post, I discovered that it was related to “Down with Molestia” as well [see the tags]. Come on!)

My initial reaction towards them is confusion: How exactly did these children find such content? If my experiments (two separate links) are accurate, it would be very difficult to find such content. And what exactly was this content that they found?

These questions are not likely to be answered, because these are passing incidents that people don’t want to revisit, which is understandable. But that evokes my next reaction: concern and maybe even fear. I fear that people will take these claims for granted, without bothering to investigate their sources or the circumstances surrounding the events in them. Things hit the fan when ill-substantiated beliefs (not exactly rumors, but close to them) get out of hand. Take Tumblr’s new terms (two separate links) as an example. As another, more serious one, take the whole thing about how a certain vaccine supposedly causes autism.

Okay, the consequences of these claims about children finding this content probably aren’t as extreme as outbreaks of disease (yes, they did happen because too few children were vaccinated!). But what are the consequences? Content being removed. Most of the Tumblr blog removals I’ve seen were due to posting depictions of underaged characters, but the latest, that of “Ask Princess Molestia,” was different. If you notice, Pinkiepony’s e-mail to Hasbro about “Ask Princess Molestia” (and “The Fall of Equestria”) addressed the potential for children to access the works. There is still doubt as to whether this e-mail actually did lead to the removal or not, but I think this is indicative of what might come.



When I got these messages I nearly cried because I felt so bad for her. 

And people still wonder why I’m very Anti-Brony. 

Its seriously shit like this that makes me want to vomit every time I see a Brony related thing.

Because, Bronies have no fucking feels for people other than themselves and their precious ‘fandom’.

Seriously, FUCK BRONIES.

Oh, goodness.

(Reblogging for the record.)


Step 1: Be a girl
Step 2: Post clop, (make sure you mention you are a girl multiple times and are always horny, weather that’s a lie or not.

Step 3 (Optional): Post Skype or Kik, may be risky.

This is not sexist on my part, we all know this is true, I just found a twitter that was literally: “clopclopclop” or “Im so horny, time to clop” for most tweets. And it has almost 200 followers. Why? Because she claims to be female.

That is why it will be fun to get a female admin here.

(totally don’t message me on skype: Stuby911 if you want to be new admin since we may get another one, vaginas may or may not help you.)


Oh, dear. I don’t think I’d follow an account like that. I’ll follow accounts that post content I enjoy, regardless of the gender of the operator. (Plus I wouldn’t even mention my own sexuality, but it affects the content I post.)




Feminism: The movement focused on improving and protecting women’s rights, ideally to point where they are equal to that of men’s.

Femi-nazism: The movement focused on taking away men’s rights to the point of reducing their social status to below women’s.

Okay I know there are people out there who call themselves feminists who genuinely believe that what they’re doing is right, who genuinely believe that they are supporting equality, these people aren’t stupid, but they are misguided.

Feminism as a whole has been broken and corrupted to the point of being worse than useless. Focusing on one gender over the other is counter-productive, sexism affects everyone, stop pretending that it only affects women; every example of sexism affects both genders. for example the sexist idea that women are weaker than men, not only is this unfair to women who are strong (who may not be taken seriously), but also to men who are weak (they will be made fun of because they are ‘supposed’ to be strong, ever heard of “Haha- you got beaten by a girl”, which I sometimes hear even from the same people who say we shouldn’t assume women are weak). 

Even if an example of sexism affects one gender more than the other- that is a pointless argument, we should acknowledge it as everyone’s problem, only then can we overcome gender issues; even the name feminism is sexist because it priorities one gender over the other, if we have to call ourselves something (which is unnecessary) we can call ourselves ‘Humanists’ and fight for universal rights for the human race.

Feminism is stupid and outdated, but not every feminist is stupid (like I said, more misguided).

If you want more information on gender issues I refer you to this playlist:

“Trying to solve gender issues with feminism is like trying to perform surgery with a chainsaw”

-TJ Kirk (heavily paraphrased)

Your choice of words is a tad harsh and a bit over-generalized, I believe—but you make some strong points regardless.

I hereby award masochistprincessterumi 1000 units of This.

Hm… humanism is more of a rejection of faith and doctrine; I think egalitarianism is what you’re looking for.