Reminds me of “The Usual” by Pyruvate. :D
Tag: Lesbian
Princess Molestia is a thing, but Luna is sexy.
- Where is Twilight? Why is she out of view?
- Meh.
- Beautiful.
- A bit too feral, if you ask me.
- RULES VIOLATION. Incest (though I usually accept it with Celestia and Luna) and bondage (not acceptable in any case).
- RULES WARNING. More Celestia and Luna, but this one and the previous are fine in that respect.
- She seems upset. :(
- RULES VIOLATION. I’m getting a strong loli vibe from this one.
- I’m not getting the Luna-as-Wonderbolt concept. :/
- Nice. That lighting makes it look a bit like Celestia’s mane. XD
Ok, i’m thinking in clop too much xD
I really only like the first one.
- OC alicorn?
- The legs! Something about them is a real turn-off. :(
- I’ve never really been a fan of Chrysalis clop.
- Wat.
- I’m usually a fan of tribadism, but this one doesn’t do it for me. Their torsos…