Tag: Random

cute cute cute cute cute cute cuet cutey cuteo cutie cute cute
I never noticed this! XD

Bottom line; every body is beautiful. That’s it.
Well, there are still health issues, so…

Saw this somewhere else and felt the need to post it cause no one else ever really tells you this stuff
My mom never really noticed. She noticed when she was breast feeding my little brother and blood started coming out instead of milk.
My mom said she felt and saw a little lump in the shower. She was lucky enough she found it at stage 2
My mom had a mammogram. The radiologist thought the spots were just regular calcium deposits.
Turns out it was triple negative breast cancer that had spread to her lymph nods. Mastectomy, radiation and chemo saved her life.
This could SAVE a life.
dont be embarrassed to reblog, this post could be life saving
Signal BOOST and pass it on. I had a breast cancer scare before (luckily it was just scar tissue…) and information like this kept me calm and collected at the doc’s.
As a cancer patient myself, who found my own cancer through a supposed LARPing injury last year, i know how scary it is and how important it is to catch it early. Please spread this around!
listen to ur boobs
its all in the boobs
Hehe, like what you see do you? *continues washing himself*
My response would've been:

I love how the Ood is like ‘Dammit translator ball!’ and just hits it
This is why I really, really love the Ood.
Favorite Doctor Who scene.
The most misunderstood creatures in the fandom…
I love what Who did with the Angels and the Ood.
They’ve taken something that people would automatically want to trust, an angel, and made them creepy as fuck.
And they’ve taken a thing that people would automatically respond to the visual of with revulsion and fear, and made them the sweetest, most peaceful creatures in the universe.
If that’s not the best “looks can be deceiving” ever done I don’t know what is.

reasons Steven Colbert will aways be my favorite news anchor
Nothing wrong at all… Right candle?

Well shit, looks like I can’t keep myself away from spoilers.
These are the only spoilers I saw (not like last season when I watched all the preview clips of the premiere).
Tommy_Oliver: It's funny, I'm seeing a lot of people talk about how bad bronies are and because of that they're shying away from the fandom, or at least expressing their interest publically
Tommy_Oliver: But, by doing so, you're just helping to perpetuate the stereotype
Tommy_Oliver: If YOU like ponies and don't act like that, you SHOULD be visible, so that way we can have a presence that is the antithesis of that stereotype. If everyone who likes the show and isn't a douche shies away from MLP
Tommy_Oliver: then only the detestable people are left, and the stereotype is no longer a sterotype
Tommy_Oliver: but a fact
Tommy_Oliver: Which is why I still openly love ponies, and will still go out wearing a pony shirt from time to time, and will still say without hesitation that, yeah, I like this show
Tommy_Oliver: Cuz I'm not gonna let a negative perception of our collective whole sour me to something I genuinely enjoy
Tommy_Oliver: If people wanna make assumptions about me based on what I like
Tommy_Oliver: fine
Tommy_Oliver: But that just means those people making assumptions are just as shallow and vapid as the perception they're projecting on me
Tommy_Oliver: I've met all of you guys through this show, and you're some of the best people I know. So to think that the entire community is terrible is obviously erroneous.
Tommy_Oliver: Yeah, we have some bad apples, but what community doesn't?
Tommy_Oliver: But for me, it was never about the community. What brought me here was a good show, and what kept me here was good people
I firmly believe that this attitude will save the fandom.