“RAIR-i-fohn” (“Rarity” without “ty”, then “phone”) or “rair-EYE-fohn” (like “rare iPhone”)?
Commenting on clop, yiff, and occasionally other erotica. Highly NSFW. You can call me Craig. (Check out the directory for ways you can help me categorize my content better.) [This is a mirror of my Tumblr blog. Please read "About This Site" for more information.]
“RAIR-i-fohn” (“Rarity” without “ty”, then “phone”) or “rair-EYE-fohn” (like “rare iPhone”)?
Lingerie drop 1!
~Sir Cloppington
Always love lingerie, but this is a mixed bag.
Anthro Rarity as requested by anon!
Sexy Best Pony
Plus a bit of Nightmare Rarity for those who’ve actually read the comics.
#4 and #6 are RULES VIOLATIONS. Bondage.
Wet masterbation as requested to start the day off.
Request and follow for more
Scene Did Not Include A Lap Dance by Marukomuru
Does the stallion have a name (he’s the one with the Grumpy Cat cutie mark)? The FiM Wiki’s list doesn’t have one (yet).
sorry for the lack of updates :c been a little under the weather! Trying to get back on my feet !
Horn sex! :D
(I propose :O<=@ as an emoticon for this activity.)
I think this is the first clop image I ever found, even before I got into the television show. (“Clop” refers to FiM only; I haven’t tracked down the first MLP Rule 34 I came across way back then.)
Commission for http://ask-sapphire-eye-rarity.tumblr.com/
This will be my last commission for a while. My tablet and laptop have had their run. I’ll be getting a better one later next week. See you all then~!