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Tag: Ask Princess Molestia

I think a lot of things I’ve said have gotten lost in walls of text. I’ll try to summarize each of my posts in one or two sentences as a reference. I’ll also do this for other extended discussions. These summaries are necessarily simplified, so I encourage those who are interested to read through the full posts (especially if they disagree). (Please reblog the actual posts if you have something in response to them.)



Well, I’m afraid you’re very much like her then. You just happen to be on the other side of the same fence.

At the age of 24, I’m one of the older bronies in the fandom—seeing as how most bronies run the age of 14 to 18. And when I take a step back, I just see all these teenagers squabbling. They’re all pointing fingers, full of that same emotional intensity and irrational judgement that teenagers are notorious for. And they’re forgetting to look at things logically and without biases.

A lot of what they all say has some merit too. DWM had some good points. The people defending APM had some too. (Though in the end, I supported DWM).

All these kids are so caught up in their own drama, feeling like the emotional center of the universe, they fail to look at anything objectively. this goes for Pinkiepony, as well as pretty most of the teenagers harass her.

Maybe you’re not a teenager yourself (no way for me to know), but I do know that you very much sound like one. So does pinkiepony. And so does everyone sending her hateful messages. There may be adults opposed to her, but I’m confident they’re at least being civil about it.

I suddenly feel very old, and like I’m surrounded by noisy brazen kids. I just want to relax, and have a peaceful time. But all these kids are too busy mudslinging to give me any peace.

And the real sad thing is, most (if not all) of the teenagers reading this will understand this post. They’ll rebel against it, saying they’re perfectly mature for their age. And yet it’s impossible for them o be that way. I acted the same when I was that age. And we all wanted to assert we were “big kids” when we were actually 10.

I suppose there is can be really done. All I can do is attempt to mitigate the damage of these kids, and grit my teeth until they hopefully grow up.

((Don’t worry, you aren’t the oldest one here xD 

As for PP and DWM, I came down on the side of “Really, this is the worst thing you can find to protest? I mean, over here’s an entire Tumblr about the rape, torture, and enslavement of every mare in Equestria by an invading force, including the plucking of wings and amputation of horns, but APM is seriously what you’re going after?”

That said, I actually did make some posts on my Twitter highlighting APM posts that were actually really quite rapy. I don’t think JJ’s intent was for APM to be rape humor. I think the goal was to have a humorous ask blog about an overly horny Celestia. But, that doesn’t mean a few of the posts didn’t cross the line. Also, I firmly maintain there are way more worthy targets if you’re going after glorification of rape culture.

I also defused a hate campaign against PP over the APM closure. As I pointed out, the letter she sent to hasbro mentioned both APM and this other god awful rape glorification blog. APM got taken down and the other one did not. There is no way Hasbro moved based on that letter and took out APM and /not/ the other one too. Tumblr killed APM, probably as a result of abuse of the report system. They did not get a C&D unless JJ has since changed his story. In the end, though she claims credit for it, I do not believe DWM or PP had anything to do with APM’s ultimate departure.))

I won’t reveal my exact age, but I’d like to say that I am talking the slightest bit of offense to the whole age thing. I think I avoided all the mudslinging, but all my DM-related posts are conveniently tagged #Down with Molestia if anyone wants to challenge that.

Otherwise, I agree with all this.



So, word reached me that APM got hit with a C&D after enough people prompted Hasbro to take action on the subject. This is likely to be the only thing I will say in response to it, unless I get prompted for more, so here ‘goes.

Folks, the fandom is changing.

We can no longer conduct ourselves…

I have to ask the obvious question; how, exactly, is it our fault that children are stumbling upon this porn? 

I’m no artist, but I do fancy myself as a writer of sorts, and since joining the fandom I’ve written a few stories, including several NSFW ones. And I’ve posted them, on Yet it seems to me that I, like other writers and artists in this fandom, have already taken steps to limit the exposure of this NSFW content. On fimfiction, those stories I wrote that contain adult content are labeled as such, and the website automatically filters what it displays for non-logged in users and, for those whose do log in, you have to specify that you want to see NSFW content. 

This is the same pretty much throughout the fandom and the internet on whole. That’s why things like Google’s Safesearch exist. 

My point being that, in essence, people like myself have already done our due diligence in keeping this material out of the hands of children. The problem seems to be that the other half the of equation– namely the role parents are supposed to play in keeping the content out of the hands of children– is being ignored. You blame us, but we have by all accounts and to the best of our ability as far as I can tell, acted to responsibly on this issue. I don’t see why I or JJ or anyone else needs to take the blame for your kid searching google images with Safesearch off, and so on. 

Tl:dr Due diligence has already been carried out– the very thing this post is suggesting the fandom needs to do. The problems that are arising are solely the responsibility of those who are supposed to be looking after children 

Applejack: "Eeexactly!"



So, word reached me that APM got hit with a C&D after enough people prompted Hasbro to take action on the subject. This is likely to be the only thing I will say in response to it, unless I get prompted for more,  so here ‘goes.

Folks, the fandom is changing.

We can no longer conduct ourselves as though we’re part of some indie, underground, cultist movement. “Brony” is now a word in mainstream cultural vernacular, and whether we want to admit it or not, there are a lot of eyes pointed toward us now.

You are a lot more visible than you think.

This really hit home for me when I was at the most recent Bronycon in August, and a girl, no older than 8, came up to me, and told me she knew who I was.

While the roots of our isolated little culture may have been on 4chan once upon a time — the veritable, scummy “good ol’ boys club” of the internet — we have long-since evolved past that, and can no longer adamantly cling to our ribbing, inside-joke laden, adults-only behavior of yesteryear. The days of being able to openly share adult materials has ended.

That said, I do not, personally, want to see the abolishment of porn, or fetish art, or silly Gmod videos of ponies making out doing dumb shit, or whatever else have you — these are things that I feel people are entitled to enjoy at their leisure, however is it also my belief that, in order to continue sharing these things, it is imperative we construct safe spaces to do so.

As adult fans of a children’s show, we are obligated to be responsible stewards for our content. This is a duty that can no longer be ignored or skated around.

While most of the DWM rhetoric that went around this last tear had a lot of people rolling their eyes, we can’t ignore that it is all-too-easy for kids to accidentally stumble across suggestive, or even explicit pony images, even with safe search on. So while I’ve come to disagree with most of the talking points of the DWM/PARC bunch, I cannot easily fault them for at least wanting to try to make the public face of the fandom cleaner, and more kid-friendly. While, yes, there is also a certain element of parental responsibility that should come into play as well, I’m not certain how reasonable it is to expect parents to be diligent about filtering porn out of something that ought to be pretty benign, like My Little Pony.

We’ve really been on borrowed time since day one, and the removal of the APM comic should serve as indication enough that we, collectively, need to be more cautious about how, and where adult materials are shared. I’m all for letting people enjoy what they want, even if it’s subversive fetish pony porn, or weird, rapey jokes (whatever floats your boat, man,) but we can no longer remain ignorant of people accidentally coming across those kinds of things, especially when the people that might accidentally encounter it belong to the show’s main demographic.

This whole thing should be clear proof that the show’s target audience matters more to Hasbro than bronies do (as it should,) and they will protect them.

These are just my 2 cents.

I second the motion, anyone who is part of the fandom should read this

Yeah, this is so true… Hey, wait a minute!

My main reaction to this is: You mean, you weren’t already doing this?

I haven’t been in the fandom for that long, but it seems to me that it had become a “generally recognized” Internet phenomenon by the end of 2011. I’m surprised that it’s taken this long for people to understand that such mature content (sexual, violent, etc.) is in fact visible to others. And even if we were still “underground” we would still have the same obligations concerning this content, as any purveyor of not-safe-for-all-ages content does.

(I seriously doubt that Down with Molestia is heavily focused on making ponies family-friendly for children. Yes, that is part of Pinkiepony’s original intention [my reblog]. But based on what I’ve seen, the movement as a whole seems pretty mum about clop or other mature content in general. Even the fact that it’s been renamed “Ponies Against Rape Culture” supports this.)


Now I am a brony who likes to understand both parties of a dispute, in this case the DWM people and the Molestia people. I know some people that are against Molestia and some that like it. They recently posted their thought about the shutdown and are being attacked by Bronies who loved the page. Now I understand if you like the page and followed it but do you really think attacking the dwm people will help bring molestia back or help you in anyway? It won’t, JJ said he’s moving on, everything has to end sometime, like a TV show or book that you loved. You guys attacking the dwm people really wanna be seen as people that attack others for their ideals? You know, I remember when this fandom was about the show and togetherness, but if you guys are attacking others and still calling yourselves a brony then I’m sorry, that’s not brony. A brony respects one anothers ideals and thoughts and don’t attack with curse words, threats, etc. if the mane six saw you guys they wouldn’t acknowledge you as friends or Bronies, they believe in peace, non-violent solutions, and equality. Sorry for this rant, but I’ve had it, this fandom is deteriorating, I just want the old fandom back, the one where we help each other and respect one another.

Thank you for reading this. And I hope you pass the message to others so we may become what this fandom once was.

Thank you.

It seems that Hasbro was involved in taking down “Ask Princess Molestia.” This isn’t certainly the first time Hasbro has given the C&D to pony fan work, but Pinkiepony’s e-mail that is credited for initiating the C&D is worth examining:

Minor note: The destination e-mail address reads “HasbroBrandPR,” which is assumed to be based on Hasbro’s contact webpage. This address is supposed to be for the press (“Only inquires from press will be returned.”), which probably explains why Pinkiepony never got a response. As for the proper contact address, I think “Corporate Social Responsibility” would’ve been the best, but I’m not sure.

Pinkiepony states in the first paragraph that “one very popular one [fan work] has become so popular that children find it when searching for your products.” This echoes her original reasoning for starting this movement (reblogged by me). But I conducted a similar experiment to the one I conducted concerning My Little Pony Rule 34 in general: I searched “Princess Celestia” on Google with SafeSearch. I couldn’t find any Molestia. I’m really starting to wonder exactly how the girl she talked about found this content.

She also refers to another blog, “The Fall of Equestria,” which seems to be set in some alternate (post-apocalyptic?) universe with various mares as sex slaves. That blog is still up as of the writing of this post, even though it’s much worse than “Ask Princess Molestia” in my opinion. Did Hasbro not get around to that, or what?

So I just found out that Ask Princess Molestia was taken down.

I never really liked the blog. I didn’t think the jokes were funny. Plus, I’m not into video games, so Gamer Luna wasn’t for me, either.

But when Down with Molestia came up, I thought it was well-intentioned but too extreme. Right now I’m inclined to draw a comparison between John Joseco and Phil Robertson of the television show “Duck Dynasty.” If you haven’t heard, Robertson was suspended (for a short while) from the show for making comments about how homosexuality was sinful.

Now, I (along with many others) believe his comments were hateful and misinformed. But I didn’t feel that he should have been suspended for his comments. He did exercise his right to free speech, and he didn’t directly incite any illegal action. The same goes for John Joseco. His sort of humor in “Ask Princess Molestia” is objectionable to many people (to me? I haven’t seen much of the actual blog, so I don’t know), but it is an exercise of free speech, and it doesn’t directly incite illegal action.

Certainly people have the right to heavily criticize both Robertson and Joseco for their expressions, and they can demand apologies or the like. Concerning Joseco, it is acceptable to ask (read: demand) that he take down the blog. But he initially just brushed off the whole movement. The next step is not to get the blog removed by force. (To me it’s not clear if that’s what Down with Molestia is trying to do.)




As of 3:00 EST, the infamous MLP Fan-Tumblr, […] "Ask Princess Molestia" is gone. The url returns a notification, that there is nothing to find. 



“Ask Princess Molestia” has recently been the target of a campaign known as “Down With Molestia”, spearheaded [pinkiepony] who notoriously [has been fighting rape cluture and JJ’s blog], as she has stated many times in her postings.


Assuming the following transcript is true, there may be larger and even more nefarious forces at work beyond [DWM]. […]


[I will keep this post updated] (via HORSE-NEWS)


It is pretty clear at this point that JJ has shut it down for good and it was due in part to Hasbro sending a C&D. (Here is another link supporting this conclusion)

I contacted Hasbro on Jan 9, I had enough.


It is very possible Hasbro listened and took action. If so, thank you Hasbro. They didn’t reply to me. 

Original post from pinkiepony on her message to Hasbro.


As of January 17th, 3:00pm EST, the infamous MLP Fan-Tumblr, “Ask Princess Molestia” is gone off the internet. The URL for the blog returns a notification that there is nothing to find. The blog’s URL cannot be taken, indicating that the blog has been suspended. 

imageArt by frogbians

“Ask Princess Molestia” has recently been the target of a campaign known as “Down With Molestia”, spearheaded pinkiepony who notoriously has been fighting rape culture and JJ’s blog as she has stated many times in her postings.


Assuming the following transcript is true, it seems Hasbro was involved with the take down of the blog, JJ saying “I got to big” and it was suspended by “tumblr becasue of hasbro”


bronydramarecorded wrote:

It is pretty clear at this point that JJ has shut it down for good and it was due in part to Hasbro sending a C&D. (Here is another link supporting this conclusion)

but in the end, it was pinkiepony’s doing. She posted this email on her bog to prove that her efforts though e-mail finally proved effective.
