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Tag: Discussion



I don’t find ponies attractive, because I’m a human. However, make the ponies humans, or make me a pony, and I’d probably go for it. I especially like pony porn that has the characters in the show in lesbian relationships. I couldn’t care less about the stallions.

This is pretty much my stance on it. I’m also a fan of anthropomorphic (not completely humanized) ponies.

I’ve installed Disqus to my blog, so now you can comment on my posts. (Making a Disqus commenter account is optional. See how to comment without one below.) I originally did this for discussion posts, but this works for any post.

If you want to share stuff I post, then by all means reblog it and (optionally) add remarks. But things get messy after a while with indentations, and that’s why I didn’t want to leave it to reblogging to reply.

How do I use it? It depends on where you’re seeing my post.

If you’re on my blog, just click “# Comments and # Reactions” to head to the Disqus discussion.

If you’re on your dashboard, you have two options:

  • Click the top-right corner of the post (it should turn into a folded page corner).
  • Click “Share”, then “Permalink”.
Either of these will take you to the post on my blog. Scroll down until you reach the discussion.

I don’t want to make an account. Don’t worry, you don’t have to. After you’ve entered your comment, Click “Name” under “Pick a name”, then check “I’d rather post as guest”. No account needed. (You’ll still have to enter a name and an e-mail address, though.)

You can access this through the short URL /t/disqus

If you are following me or otherwise have seen my posts, you know that I post different types of erotic material. But if you haven’t done so already, look at the description. What’s the first word?

“Commenting”. I don’t just post (or reblog) porn; I comment on it. I try to include some sort of commentary (even if it is just “Nice”) with everything I post.

So not only is this blog for posting different things to get off to, it’s for expressing my views on different matters of sex and sexuality. So far they’ve only shown up in my comments, but I will start commenting more generally on different aspects (still related to what I post).

I have topics planned already, but feel free to ask me something (either through my ask page or the Disqus discussion for this post), preferably related to the specific areas in which I tend to “specialize” (they’re also tagged).


Vertex the Pony: FORM EMAIL


INVESTIGATE BANNING ‘’ (Ticket #1755008)

Tumblr support, I am writing in regards to the banning of user ‘’, ticket number 1755008. It is highly possible that the banning may have been rendered unfairly. I ask…

“Don’t post anything relating to minors that is sexually suggestive or violent.”

Is this too hard for some people to understand?  Yes, this includes fictionalized depictions of minors.  Tumblr’s not a democracy, deal with it, and take that shit to some other site that caters to the pedos.

This has been a public service announcement, brought to you by the Campaign To Chemically Castrate The Indefensibly Stupid.

Okay, did clopper-dude actually post foalcon? I don’t quite remember. If that’s the case, then this does make sense.





Clopper Dude was deleted :C

I attached the mail CD got 

CD’s temporary blog:

I know lots of you followed me because C-D reblogged my art.

You should know about this. It’s sad news. Goddamnit. C-D why ;_;

Welcome to tumblr.

Equestria After Dark’s old blog was deleted for “bestiality,” and now this? I think I need to find a new site…

UPDATE: This post is pretty much obsolete. The policy on NSFW blogs is now a lot clearer about how visible adult content is. Plus, there’s no more chart since Tumblr got rid of the distinction between “NSFW” and “adult” blogs.

So I came across an article talking about Tumblr’s new policies for NSFW and adult blogs. The chart suggests that adult Tumblr blogs are pretty much invisible unless you’re following them. No posts from them will appear in any searches for anyone…

…in “Safe Mode.” Disable “Safe Mode” by going to your dashboard settings and unchecking “Browse tag pages in Safe Mode”, then saving your settings.

Then again, if you’re posting porn, you probably already did that, didn’t you?







I find it both hilarious, sad, and extremely ironic that bronies emphasize “love and tolerate,” and yet the majority of them ostracize those who clop. It’s just funny in a sad way.

You mean just like how any sane person would shun someone who was into bestiality and pedophilia surrounding a children’s program?

More like how some people equate getting off to adult, personified characters to pedophilia and bestiality.

The Mane 6 are sent to a highschool in Equestria Girls as teenagers, confirming that they could possibly be as young as 14. You also forgot about the Cutie Mark Crusader fuckers. 

It is also bestiality thanks to the 100% horse anatomy even if it is stylized. If you like their “complex and developed” personalities so much you’d be fine with anthromorphization or humanization.  But I guess there’s nothing better than 100% deformed marshmallow horse fucking. 

Even if we’re not dealing with the immoral implications, you have to have bad taste in ass to think that MLP characters are sexually appealing. And this is coming from someone who’s got plenty of freaky stuff in his fap folder. 

Discord: "Not this shit again"
This again?

Even ignoring the fact that Equestria Girls is a spinoff, just because they become secondary school-age in the alternate universe, that doesn’t mean they were of that age originally. They could have been transformed to a younger age through the mirror; no one knows.

Of course I know about CMC clop, and yes that is somewhat pedophilic. But pointing this out to show that cloppers are pedophiles is like pointing out lolicon/shotacon to show that everyone who likes hentai is a pedophile.

Who’s to say it still counts as bestiality if the form is still equine? Check out the “Harkness test”.

I do like anthropomorphizations and humanizations, actually. I don’t get why some people are so averse to them. (Maybe they associate their “‘complex and developed’ personalities” [quoting your quotes] with their original forms so that if they’re anthropomorphized, it doesn’t work for them. But that’s just my guess.)

(I’m not an ass person, but I see what you mean.) Whatever, it’s your opinion if you think we have bad taste.