Tag: Human

50 h.ponies3 sales reward thingy, , I couldn’t make a bg, so have 2000px x 2000px image with transparent background instad (sorry). flutterbat x emo pinkie + “queen chrysalis” (well sort of)
follow this link or click this image below to get h.ponies 3 if you haven’t, for 2$ (suggested price 5$).
next sales reward at 150.
see you around

Love these!

Rarity, as requested by @tamauge
Have fun guys!
- Owner
Just a couple of notes:
- I take it #4 and #8 are related?
- #7: RULES VIOLATION. Bondage.

Had a lot of fun with human Twilight, so I did a human pinkie too.
The Twilight Sparkle piece, for reference.