This man has his priorities straight
Mod: Not Flutterpone related but BWAGAHAHSHAH
Commenting on clop, yiff, and occasionally other erotica. Highly NSFW. You can call me Craig. (Check out the directory for ways you can help me categorize my content better.) [This is a mirror of my Tumblr blog. Please read "About This Site" for more information.]
This man has his priorities straight
Mod: Not Flutterpone related but BWAGAHAHSHAH
I really like Subway but Domino’s is way better, hands down.
oh my fucking god.
jesusds chrisdkl
by doucheclop
Getty up
Reblogged solely for humor. XD
RULES WARNING. Obvious macro/micro, but this is just too funny.
Reblogging for the sole purpose of highlighting this particular inclusion of the scepter.
I haven’t seen new episodes yet, but seems that plants are the thing, mares love them. Good luck that I have a special kind of plant at my apartment. It blooms rather often in different times, but it always blooms in the mornings, welcoming a sunshine or something. It is called a Morning Wood.
You did not just…
Image adapted from Joke Alert.svg on Wikimedia Commons.
Might as well post this here, why not xD
How was this still not done? I just had to do it :V
Hmm… This versus the parasprite. Tough call.
(My sexuality tag seems appropriate.)