This man has his priorities straight
Mod: Not Flutterpone related but BWAGAHAHSHAH
Tag: Lol
I really like Subway but Domino’s is way better, hands down.
oh my fucking god.
jesusds chrisdkl
by doucheclop
Getty up
Reblogged solely for humor. XD
RULES WARNING. Obvious macro/micro, but this is just too funny.
Reblogging for the sole purpose of highlighting this particular inclusion of the scepter.
On a very special episode of My Little Pony…
I haven’t seen new episodes yet, but seems that plants are the thing, mares love them. Good luck that I have a special kind of plant at my apartment. It blooms rather often in different times, but it always blooms in the mornings, welcoming a sunshine or something. It is called a Morning Wood.
You did not just…
Image adapted from Joke Alert.svg on Wikimedia Commons.
Might as well post this here, why not xD
How was this still not done? I just had to do it :V
Hmm… This versus the parasprite. Tough call.
(My sexuality tag seems appropriate.)