And the grand milestone is reached!
And I don’t have the thing I had planned ready. :(
Well, you can continue suggesting things for me to do.
Commenting on clop, yiff, and occasionally other erotica. Highly NSFW. You can call me Craig. (Check out the directory for ways you can help me categorize my content better.) [This is a mirror of my Tumblr blog. Please read "About This Site" for more information.]
And the grand milestone is reached!
And I don’t have the thing I had planned ready. :(
Well, you can continue suggesting things for me to do.
Sorry to say, but if you got to this part “Homosexual is a sexual deviation, an abnormality, which is not appropriate for kids.” and still decided to write this up, then I’m afraid you’ve wasted your time. That assertion alone should send a giant red flag to tell you that this person isn’t interested in logic or reasoning, and just wants to push forth their ignorant biases.
Well, I wouldn’t say “isn’t interested in logic or reasoning,” just that there’s a problem, which was whole point of pointing out the begging the question/petitio principii at the end. The argument is in fact totally valid, which is at least one part of being logical and reasonable. That is, if homosexuality is a “sexual deviation,” then certainly it shouldn’t be in MLP.
Kudos to you Linda. That was a solid series of counter arguments. Unfortunately, logic and sense rarely works on the obstinately ignorant, so I doubt you’ll change them any.
But I think it’s good to post these kinds of things anyway.
Oh dear.
I appreciate your sentiments, but since this is the first time this has come up, let me make something clear for the record:
Do not call me “Linda”.
I am male (NSFW text), and there’s a particular reason for my name that, in short, doesn’t make me the Linda in my name.
I’ve already updated my blog description: Call me “Heart” if you want something short.
I’m sorry, I just had to put that out there.
((Very interesting discussion. I agree with what you have to say too. It’s pretty obvious that group is just a bunch of bigots and trying to find a shield to hide behind. Of course this coming from the person who is using an icon of Celestia and Luna making out ^_^;
One thing that always struck me though is when people call homosexuality a “deviation”. I’d love to sit down and discuss that with someone who uses that terminology. I enjoy words and I believe in the fair use of proper definitions. To call something a deviation is simply to say it’s not normal. But, how are they defining “not normal”? If they define “normal” sex as sex that can result in procreation, then homosexual sex is indeed not normal. It can’t result in passing on genetics or propagating the species. And, well, so what? It can’t. Big deal.
I think the problem arises when people jump from “this isn’t the usual thing” to “and therefore it is evil and bad”. Calling something unusual or strange or abnormal these days has become synonymous with calling it evil or wrong. That’s a shame, because that isn’t what those words mean.
I am very tall for my gender (which I keep guarded online). I am abnormal. I am a genetic aberration. I am different from most people of my gender. …so?
Rather than looking to remove all concept of rarity or abnormality, we should be embracing what makes us different and celebrating that we are less common than normal. Yeah, if you do something most people don’t do then you are engaging in an activity that deviates from the norm. And so what? The very act of liking FIM as an adult is a deviation from most adults. The act of liking clop is a deviation from most of the sub-group of adults who are FIM fans. …and again I ask society and those who would use “deviant” or “abnormal” as derogatory terms… so what?
Embrace being abnormal. There’s nothing wrong with it. Unless someone’s abnormal because they’re a serial rapist or something. Then yeah fuck that guy. xD ))
So here’s the backstory. A while back I reblogged a presentation comparing bisexuality and pansexuality. Subsequently fandomsandfeminism followed up on the hate surrounding the inclusion of ponies.
On that post, 10-foot-pole-logician said: You must have offended the bronies. And they are coming for you
LOL! Why would bronies get pissed off by ponies? I guess if they were used for something that went against the show… Hey, wasn’t there that one deviantArt thing that was against homosexual relationships…?
Oh, yeah! E-Qual-estria!
Where’s that art… Ah, here we go! This art from one of the moderators led me to this, and it pretty much sums up the reasons for the hate toward the group.
There’s a section in the rules that’s relevant:
Question: Why aren’t gay couples allowed? As long as its not too graphic, then I don’t see why it shouldn’t be considered G-rating.
Answer: We don’t want our group focusing on shipping- there are many, many other groups for that. We just like to focus on the general MLP fandom. Anyone can join. The general idea of our “Colts X Fillies” is meant to follow the “cannon” [sic] path of hetero crushes (aka Spike X Rarity).
That leads me to the stamp accessible through the post link. Let’s take a tour through the description:
[Note: I’ve used some styles to make “italics in italics” show up as upright, but these won’t show on the dashboard. If you’re interested in seeing them, view the post on my blog.]
I’m not here to tell you what you can or cannot draw, just to inform bronies that homo relationships are not canon, and that we don’t want you to force us to accept it into our groups. I don’t hate anypony, so please don’t hate anypony either [:)]
Okay, if you’re up for “canonical ships only,” then that’s fine. But there is a fine line between persuading you to accept something and forcing you to. I haven’t witnessed a lot of the criticism firsthand, but I would think that yes, some of it went past persuasion.
First off, there are no homosexual ponies in MLP:FiM. There are frequent heterosexual couples listed in MLP:FiM. Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Twilight’s parents, Spike X Rarity, AJ’s parents, Pinkie Pie’s parents, Rarity’s parents, and the latest coupling Big Mac X Cherilee!
Yeah, that’s true. But if you only want to ship canonical couples, you’d better not ship some of the more common non-canonical heterosexual couples, like Fluttershy x Big Macintosh and Soarin’ x Rainbow Dash…
Let’s explore the “Colts X Fillies” folder. Not only is there Fluttermac (Bigshy?) and Soarindash (Rainbowsoarin’?), I see Twilight x Big Macintosh and Luna x Discord. Yep, totally canonical. Come on, is it canonical couples only or straight couples only?
Second, the majority of shipping seems to be homosexual ponies. This is not canon my fellow bronies, do not be deceived.
Sure, but neither is every fanfic (pony or not) ever written.
This is a children’s show! They have not featured homo ponies because this is meant for children.
Um…okay…? Maybe children shouldn’t be exploring the finer points of queer sexuality, but I don’t know if this an appropriate charge…
Homosexual is a sexual deviation, an abnormality, which is not appropriate for kids.
Yep, here we go. You lost me. Like I said, it’s fine if you want to constrain yourself to canonical ships, but this? You know what, fine. This statement (unlike some other statements about gays, lesbians, and other queer people) is subjective. But understand that you will get criticism for it.
So why the stamp Sunlight? Well, quite frankly, I’m disgusted with many bronies who draw Rainbow Dash X Pinkie Pie, or Twilight X Princess Luna. Or for that matter, Princess Celestia X Princess Luna! Bottom-of-the-barrel bronies, stooping to homo incest. Grossed out yet? There’s more.
I’m not sure if this was intentional, but this seems to conflate the ideas of homosexuality and incest. I could see why a lot of people wouldn’t like Celestia x Luna, but that would be because the relationship is incestual, not homosexual. While Rainbowpie (Pinkieshy?) isn’t at the top of my M6 ship list, and I think Twilight x Celestia makes more sense, I get them.
If you make a group that doesn’t allow sexual deviations, you will more than likely be trolled by users who want you to accept their sexual deviations. Their goal is to force you to accept it….
It’s not like we’re going to allow rapes, murders, blood and gore, or sexual deviations. These things are not in MLP. It’s a children’s show!
Logic students, take note. This is a fallacy (a defect in logic) called begging the question (also known by the Latin petitio principii, “petition of principle”). This occurs when a conclusion is based on a claim that also needs support. In simple terms, someone argues, “Y, because X,” and the issue that comes up is, “Well, how do we know X is true?” In this case, the conclusion is homosexuality should not be allowed in MLP, based on the premises sexual deviations should not be allowed in MLP and homosexuality is a sexual deviation. The claim that needs support here is homosexuality is a sexual deviation. That is, how do we know homosexuality is a sexual deviation?
Lastly, I’d like to point out a grammatical “pet peeve” that’s bugged me throughout this discussion: There is the word “canonical”. Use it! (This doesn’t just go to SunlightStarry.)
Holy crap. This is twice as long as any previous single discussion post (that is, not counting threads) on my blog. If you’ve made it this far, I appreciate it.
ranger-lord asked: The Congressional Budget Office claims that raising the minimum wage to the proposed amount will result in about 500,000 Americans losing their jobs. Thoughts?
I don’t think raising minimum wage helps anyone, because the prices of everything ends up being raised too.
Several years ago, I was working my first job, in fast-food. On the turn of the new year, minimum wage got raised—but so did the prices of everything on the menu. Since I worked there often, it was very much the easiest place to eat. And yet, after doing some rough math, I found that the minimum wage raise was countered almost perfectly by the raised prices.
And going to the fast-food place next door, I noticed the same pattern. Everything was more expensive.
I don’t claim to be an expert, but raising minimum wage doesn’t seem to help much—as it really only affects the poor. We need a more direct method of taking money away from the filthy and obscenely rich and giving it to the needy.
I’m almost certain that CBO doesn’t actually claim that, and it’s just another misreading perpetrated by the US right wing.
(This is why I love NPR.)
The difference between Bisexuality and Pansexuality: A Powerpoint Guide (Slightly updated)
Why the fuck was it needed to put fucking ponies in this man.
Seriously.They share the color schemes of the pride flags? And I like MLP?
I personally wonder what pan sexual mean to be for a while
I suppose the main distinction is that pansexuality includes attraction towards people outside the “gender binary” of male and female, where as bisexuality does not.
EDIT: In an updated post, fandomsandfeminism clarifies that bisexuality does include attraction to transgender binary people. But I’m taking an issue with the characterization of “bisexual = attracted to men and women” as “flawed”. To me it seems pretty clear that the two sexes referenced are male and female (especially if we look at sexual attraction from an androphilic/gynephilic standpoint as opposed to heterosexual/homosexual), and, as a result, that bisexuality doesn’t include attraction toward non-binary people.
Relevant Wikipedia articles (with references to sources):
Despite all this, I would think that at least some people who identify as bisexual would be attracted to a non-binary person. It’s just that bisexuality takes a gender binary as a given.
Shiet…I’m not ready.
Turns out I didn’t really need to modify it.
And now I have an empty SourceForge account. EDIT: Nope. I did a few things.