Tag: Random
Anon asked:
Sooo Ms Elaina, have you been naughty today?Anon asked:
Hey ms mash is it possible to hear some sexy moaning from you? I mean if you dont mind.
Understandable, seeing as ponies don’t eat meat. XD

Someone got bored during school and drew me this. That was so kind if her to do that for me

this illustrates what makes me mad about season 4 its not just this episode
She’s too modest, I guess.

either i broke google maps or they introduced a no-fucks-given setting
Maybe it’s bus mode.
Also I hope one of my friends ok. She in the hospital last thing she told me was that she was puking blood. I hope you get better and I love you.
Hope she gets better.

even if you don’t live in canada, you could have canadian followers, don’t you dare scroll past this.
I really like Subway but Domino’s is way better, hands down.
oh my fucking god.
jesusds chrisdkl