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Tag: Trixie Lulamoon



Layer Play - Magic Trixie

With 15 new layer elements for you to mix and match to create your own scene!

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Let me know what you think, I would love to hear feedback your on this, or even suggestions for future LPs. Enjoy!

A huge shout out to Pwny, my top pony draw idol, and inspiration for this Layer Play series. I wish you could be around more often these days. Your work is amazing!

Ooh, this is going to be fun!

EDIT: Check out my favorite scenes here.



The wonderful amazing Siden

Variety of premises, here, and most are pretty good!

  1. I like the classic whipped-cream-on-genitals thing, but playing with the can… The cherry! XD
  2. Nice, but what contraption is she using, exactly?
  3. Just a very sweet scene. :)
  4. It’s nice, but also kinda “meh.”
  5. All them fluids…
  6. I suppose it’s an extension of the whipped cream thing. I like it.
  7. What’s the concept here?
  8. Wat. I am definitely missing something here with the swapped cutie marks.
  9. Hehe… But seriously, what kind of toy is that?