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My ask page is my primary channel of communication. Here’s the stuff you can send me:

  1. Requests for content and other suggestions for this blog (or other online activity)
  2. Questions about sex and sexuality (including suggestions for discussions)
  3. Questions of general interest to bronies and furries (though I might not be able to answer furry questions)
  4. Any other questions or requests (provided they’re not too personal)
  5. Information/non-questions

Note: This is basically the order of priorities.

You can access this through the short URL /t/whattoask



Fluttershy Creampie :D

Okay, Up to 202 followers? Hot damn, I didn’t expect to get this many people following me so quickly! So to celebrate that I just went and drew up a bit of anthro (God help me, I need practice) of Fluttershy getting Cream-pied by Big Mac. BUT OMG I CAN’T THANK YOU GUYS ENOUGH FOR ALL THESE FOLLOWERS @3@

P.S, I avoided shading this in because in the end I know it’ll just end up looking bad with the shading and such, I need more practice with it.. .-.

And on other notes, Last request will be finished soon.. As soon as I get a good nights rest.