Tag: Twilight Sparkle
(Holy crap, this is late!)
Presenting… The Elektricky Cuminsiderainbowdash Collection: Part 2! See Part 1 for an explanation.
- Source. “Video Games are for nerds”. That’s a huge dildo, which is weird, but this is still hot. Her expression… Wait, what is she doing in the place where Nightmare Moon was defeated? I don’t get the premise.
- Source. “My favorite video games”. This as a ship is weird.
- RULES WARNING. Cadence is apparently Celestia’s niece. Hm… Source. “brb ruining the fandom”. This is from “Hoof Beat 2,” and it was hot.
- Source. “rip in piece brony fandom ;__;”. (“RIP” means “rest in peace”, so… [Then again, obvious troll is obvious.]) I’m not too keen on Vinyl Scratch’s outfit. And what exactly is she doing with her magic here?
- Source. “Video Games are for faggots”. Who is the male here? And how did Applejack and Vinyl meet up?
- Source. “Rainbow Dash is worst pony”. (This image has nothing to do with Rainbow Dash…) This looks like a follow-up to the previous one. Comic?
- Source. “Tasty milk”. Now this is the game by Tiarawhy.
- This is Elektricky’s OneChannel cover.
Is it just me, or does this fail to distinguish between male and female fluids?
(Via equestriaafterdarkblog.)
Who, might I ask, is the male here?
Dude let’s touch vaginas.
Tribadism is hard to find.
EDIT: Just noticed how sad Fluttershy looks. :(
Sexy pony compilation.
Why is there so many versions of this????
It’s highly exploitable.
(Why is Twilight there twice?)
Hm… Twiluna versus Twilestia.
- Love this!
- Twilight’s just sitting there nonchalantly.
- Rule 63? (Will tag as such.)
- RULES VIOLATION. Bondage. What’s the other Luna head doing to the right?
- I’ve seen this before. It’s weird.
- Wow. (Tagged as “solo female” since they’re not “interacting.”)
Human on pony isn’t something I’m usually fond of, but…
- Funny.
- Eesh, the lingerie is out of palce.
- Hmm… I like it!
- I call public indenceny. Serious.
- Hot! (But Appleshy isn’t one of my favorite ships.)
Twilight x Tentacles
RULES WARNING. This is dangerously close to bondage, but I’ll allow it.