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Tag: Twilight Sparkle


(Holy crap, this is late!)

Presenting… The Elektricky Cuminsiderainbowdash Collection: Part 2! See Part 1 for an explanation.

  1. Source. “Video Games are for nerds”. That’s a huge dildo, which is weird, but this is still hot. Her expression… Wait, what is she doing in the place where Nightmare Moon was defeated? I don’t get the premise.
  2. Source. “My favorite video games”. This as a ship is weird.
  3. RULES WARNING. Cadence is apparently Celestia’s niece. Hm… Source. “brb ruining the fandom”. This is from “Hoof Beat 2,” and it was hot.
  4. Source. “rip in piece brony fandom ;__;”. (“RIP” means “rest in peace”, so… [Then again, obvious troll is obvious.]) I’m not too keen on Vinyl Scratch’s outfit. And what exactly is she doing with her magic here?
  5. Source. “Video Games are for faggots”. Who is the male here? And how did Applejack and Vinyl meet up?
  6. Source. “Rainbow Dash is worst pony”. (This image has nothing to do with Rainbow Dash…) This looks like a follow-up to the previous one. Comic?
  7. Source. “Tasty milk”. Now this is the game by Tiarawhy.
  8. This is Elektricky’s OneChannel cover.

Hm… Twiluna versus Twilestia.

  1. Love this!
  2. Twilight’s just sitting there nonchalantly.
  3. Rule 63? (Will tag as such.)
  4. RULES VIOLATION. Bondage. What’s the other Luna head doing to the right?
  5. I’ve seen this before. It’s weird.
  6. Wow. (Tagged as “solo female” since they’re not “interacting.”)