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That’s what I’ve heard as well, but I guess I don’t get it.

How is you (a human) fapping to ponies any different from you fapping to humans AND ponies in the same image?

I like human-on-furry (though I haven't come across it in a while), but not a lot of human-on-pony. That's because there's often a physical-size difference that makes it seem as if the pony is the human's pet. That sort of relationship doesn't mix with sex.

(That Palutena x Celestia drawing, though, is great.)



I posted a Trixie x Twilight picture a while back, and I asked for some fics or whatever to explain the relationship. So now I’m opening a more formal competition for it. The prize is clop.

Basically: Send me a fic or something that explains how they got together. Full details and rules are

This is still happening.






i don’t normally write on the walls, but i was getting pretty pissed.
like, who the fuck says i can’t be smart and have sex at the same time?
i could literally get eaten out and recite the quadratic formula if i damn well please.



Hell yeah



Really sorry to hear that the EQAD site isn’t working out and sustaining itself anymore Alex, especially considering that it and the blog has held such a key role in promoting all our content and bringing a lot of us together.

Hope the other project works out for you.

I’m seeing about putting a Patreon together, either just straight out as a patreon for a blog (you can technically do that) or a bit of a workaround method, ala 8chan.