Goodness this is hot. Celestia is so big!
Happy Chinese New Year! (Originally found on 20 January.)
Commenting on clop, yiff, and occasionally other erotica. Highly NSFW. You can call me Craig. (Check out the directory for ways you can help me categorize my content better.) [This is a mirror of my Tumblr blog. Please read "About This Site" for more information.]
Goodness this is hot. Celestia is so big!
Happy Chinese New Year! (Originally found on 20 January.)
I Need Letters!
I always wonder why they’re not writing friendship letters anymore.
FILLLYY I love this fucking style!!
request for celestia!!!
These are great! (And I don’t often like Celestia clop.)
Season 4 Premier stuff Bandwagon- Joined S4 Watched?- Nope :3 Fucks given- None Enjoy pervs
More MLP:FiM season 4 premiere tentacles. -_-
Okay, let’s get serious. I’m not against tentacles; as a matter of fact I love them.
But there are two main problems with the clop based on the vines in the season 4 premiere.
Found some clopalishus stuff for everybody!
#2 through #8: I love php1’s style!
(I wonder what happened in #10.)
(You know what’s coming.)
More of Celestia and Luna in Princest action…meh. More crappy sketches I did while getting cancer at work. I said I was never gonna to do any pornographic stuff with Celestia and Luna…..well……fucked up keeping that promise.
This is all to the little mini series. I wasn’t gonna go anywhere far with this. Not yet anyway. On a side note, fuck drawing their cutie marks….goddammit! Interpret in any order you want to.
My personal favorite of these is the last one.
Celestia and one of her royal guards relieving some stress~
Does sex ever get boring when you live for thousands of years?
Probably not.
In re berryburd: XD
Ultimate Upload: Part 2 of 3
Fleur-de-lis and Twilestia (Celestilight?)