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Tag: Shining Armor




here we go… my Luna edit/version of nsfw flash “Party in Pinkie” done by TiaraWhy

on her blog Tiara shared flash files of original Pinkie x Anon animation and with her own edit with Soarin’ x RD …. soooo I decided that I will do (or at least try to) make Luna version somehow.

I’m still working on that flash but don’t expect that it will be as perfect as original one with Pinkie (with: intro, music, ending, etc..) since this is my first time when I’m doing something in flash :|

in the meantime enjoy those derp animated gif with Luna x BigMacintosh/Shining Armor/Sombra (why this fucker don’t have cutie mark ffs?)

Aw yea luna edit! Perfect set up for what’s to come tomorow…

I should check that out, actually.