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Tag: Twilight Sparkle



Found some clopalishus stuff for everybody!

#2 through #8: I love php1’s style!

(I wonder what happened in #10.)

(You know what’s coming.)

  • #1: RULES VIOLATION. Bondage.
  • #8: RULES VIOLATION. Incest. Okay, they’re not canonically sisters, but that seems to be the way they’re commonly depicted in fan work.


in  cloppy mood!

  1. Okay…
  2. RULES WARNING. Bondage? I’ll let this one pass. Wingplay and genital stimulation, oh my! (Panties with Twilight Sparkle’s cutie mark… *shrugs*)
  3. Nice!
  4. I haven’t seen a lot of Lightning Dust, so this was nice.
  5. Weird.
  6. Cadence!
  7. This doesn’t do anything for me.
  8. Her face! D:
  9. Whoa!
  10. If you can’t read the text, here’s a higher-resolution version.


Flutterdash! (as requested :P)

Most of this is great! (I said most. Read on.)

(I’m not the requester, but whatever.)

  1. Hoofing. Seems to be the pony equivalent of fisting. :/
  2. Wow.
  3. That thing’s huge!
  4. Brutal.
  5. So sweet! (Prepare stereotypical “hnngs”.)
  6. Nice!
  7. Oh dear… RULES WARNING. Non-consent?
  8. Multicolored dildo? “Bad Dragon”? XD
  9. Wow! (Also, is Fluttershy wearing eye shadow, or what?)