Tag: Twilight Sparkle

Found some clopalishus stuff for everybody!
#2 through #8: I love php1’s style!
(I wonder what happened in #10.)
(You know what’s coming.)
- #1: RULES VIOLATION. Bondage.
- #8: RULES VIOLATION. Incest. Okay, they’re not canonically sisters, but that seems to be the way they’re commonly depicted in fan work.


in cloppy mood!
- Okay…
- RULES WARNING. Bondage? I’ll let this one pass. Wingplay and genital stimulation, oh my! (Panties with Twilight Sparkle’s cutie mark… *shrugs*)
- Nice!
- I haven’t seen a lot of Lightning Dust, so this was nice.
- Weird.
- Cadence!
- This doesn’t do anything for me.
- Her face! D:
- Whoa!
- If you can’t read the text, here’s a higher-resolution version.

Flutterdash! (as requested :P)
Most of this is great! (I said most. Read on.)
(I’m not the requester, but whatever.)
- Hoofing. Seems to be the pony equivalent of fisting. :/
- Wow.
- That thing’s huge!
- Brutal.
- So sweet! (Prepare stereotypical “hnngs”.)
- Nice!
- Oh dear… RULES WARNING. Non-consent?
- Multicolored dildo? “Bad Dragon”? XD
- Wow! (Also, is Fluttershy wearing eye shadow, or what?)

Finished it!
Dunno why, I really liked the scepter highlights o.o
All the scepter memes!
On a more serious note, I see no “precedent” for this image. Maybe it would be good if there were a “prequel” of sorts in which someone used it “down there” (tangentially related example).

Here you go, I assume you wanted solo?
If this was a request, I wasn’t the one who requested it. But this was still nice.