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thank god for the safesearch filter….

What bothers me the most is not that a 5 year-old can’t use the internet if he/she wants, but the fact that this exists. This is a thing. At some point someone watched the show and said “Oh god I want to fuck those ponies”.
You couldn’t respect the target audience or the innocence of the show and instead made all kinds of porn and complaint when anyone said it was wrong.
And before you start saying “CLOPPERS R NOT BAD PEPOL U SHUDNT JUDGE THEM FOR LIEKENG SOMTHING U DONT!!1!1!!” let me tell you: Easily 90% of the cloppers I met IRL are the kind of people you would like to punch in the face. Disrespectful,annoying, stupid, perverts… they all are. Even when I told them I don’t like clop, they will insist in discusing the topic with me, showing me pics and TF2 sprays. Even in meetups: And have I told you about that time someone drew FIFTEEN CLOP PICTURES AND SENT THE TO ME VIA FACEBOOK?  no? well, that.

See this post for my main response to the whole “porn of a little girls’ show” lot.

Okay, I’m sorry for your unfavorable experiences with cloppers, but this whole argument of, “The majority of them I’ve met are terrible, so most of them are like that,” doesn’t make a lot of sense, for either cloppers or bronies.

A lot of the hate that bronies get seems to be due to negative experiences with certain fans, either online or in real life. But this isn’t good evidence because the ones who are terrible tend to be more outspoken; this is sometimes called the “vocal minority.” The same argument applies to your experiences with cloppers.

But this “vocal minority” argument applied to any diverse group is highly debatable, so my philosophy is to just judge people individually for their actions. The people whom you’ve had the misfortune of encountering are not cloppers. They are assholes.



So here’s the biggest question of all:

Why did this ‘Lori’ woman have her safe search off while her four year old daughter was on the internet by herself?

Probable short answer?

She didn’t. Made it ALL up.

I wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss it like that. Maybe SafeSearch was just turned off without anyone’s knowledge (that seems to be the case with my computer), and Lori didn’t know about it.





Here is a general question on sexuality. More rhetorical than anything, but I’m curious as to your thoughts.

Why does our culture seem to universally consider sex and sexuality a shameful or bad thing? I remember a post about mother’s daughter stumbling across MLP porn (Nevermind how. That’s a different topic) and becoming deeply upset about her favorite character’s being naughty. But why is sex so naughty? Isn’t more the fault of our culture for making sex so inherently bad?

When instead our culture could simply educate to children that sex is just something that adults do it’s perfectly healthy. BUT, they’ll have to learn about it later.

I understand that what I’m saying might be slightly controversial is misinterpreted, so I ask that people request me to clarify something before the get upset at what they I may be implying. (Hint: I’m not saying kids + sex is a good thing, and I never well. So please don’t think I’m saying that.)

It boils down to the US Religion of choice, often times sex is treated as bad. Nations older than the USA have come to accept and not repress sexual things, while America is stuck in this rut of wanting to make sex seem as bad.

Sex is treated as taboo and in the 90’s, adult content in kids shows was common as children didn’t understand it, but in the late 90’s something happened when as a nation it became part of the culture to, if you are any branch of christian, make sex bad all over. Parents pulled their kids out of Sex Ed, refusing to talk to their kids about sex, making them feel like it’s bad and shameful. But it’s like putting a top on a soda and shaking it, the pressure builds till something breaks and sometimes people get hurt.

Psychology and science in general has proven a large amount of sexual predators, peeping toms, pedophiles, and serial rapists, had some form of sexual repression or sexual assault in their life that resulted in these unhealthy habits. Parents say they worry about their child being scarred for life, becoming some sexual deviant. But often, it’s parents enforcing their own religious rule on the children or even just wanting to avoid ‘the talk’ as long as possible. And almost always children, when they hit maturity, they think something is wrong with them and it scares them because they think it’s bad or shameful. And the children around them will also become scared and make fun of them often times.

Sex shouldn’t be treated as a bad thing, and yes, kids under sexual maturity should NOT be seeing the content, but when parents turn a blind eye and ear to their kids simple because they don’t want to answer questions or inform the kids, bad things can end up happening.

This is exactly exemplifies what I hate about modern culture shunning the idea of sex completely, especially around minors.

People want to “protect” their kids from seeing anything sexual until they hit 18, at which point they’re expected to suddenly and magically be aware and well-educated on the subject without anyone ever needing to tell them about it.

And obviously, that doesn’t happen.

Exactly, this is the very problem, as a nation kids are repressed and sheltered, kept “safe” and “Protected” from the things they see as bad. The thing is, repressing things often results when under pressure, things tend to break and it all comes out.

Kids are treated like they are eggs, that they can’t take even a little shock to the norm, and this goes on till they turn 18 where they are suddenly adults and are expected to fend for themselves and learn to deal and manage stuff.

I need to outsource my processing of This payments!




So here’s the biggest question of all:

Why did this ‘Lori’ woman have her safe search off while her four year old daughter was on the internet by herself?

Wait, who?

Not sure if you happened to see a really ‘angry mother’ from a ‘mumblr’ group, complain to someone about how she left her four year old daughter on a computer with internet capabilities, and claims that her four year old happened to search ‘My Little Pony’ on Google and found NSFW images.

Now, the only way to actually find NSFW links, or images would be to have the Google Safe Search off, and even then, it still takes a while to find the NSFW content.

I get that anyone should be able to search anything without worrying about running across something, but my biggest point is, why are you going to leave a child on the internet without knowing how to filter through specific keywords and not know how to use the safe search engine?

Essentially, safe search is the default setting on Google, so this woman must have been looking for something with the safe search OFF for her four year old daughter to run across a nsfw picture consisting of MLP. And she insists her daughter KNOWS what was going on in the pictures, so that actually raises more questions as to what she’s taught her daughter overall.

That’s my only issue :l The fandom needs to tag their shit, yes, but a four year old REALLY doesn’t need to be on the internet, especially if someone doesn’t have the safe search on.

Oh, so this is what you’re talking about! Huh, I never noticed that it’s signed “Lori”.

Regarding what you’ve said: I would assume that SafeSearch is on by default, but for some reason my computer has it off, and I don’t remember ever changing the settings. Maybe I did change them. :/

But otherwise I totally agree. Please collect your award of This. :D



I just checked this. Not even a hint of porn. I even got specific and added pony names. Nothing.

I’m calling bullshit on anyone who says they find porn on a generic Google search. You don’t find shit unless you’re specifically looking.

So here’s the biggest question of all:

Why did this ‘Lori’ woman have her safe search off while her four year old daughter was on the internet by herself?

Wait, who?



Dude I got porn for mlp looking up Babs seed pic even with the damn safe search on months ago. And when I typed in sweetie belle to look up the actors name the second suggestion was rule 34.

Just face it. There are too many idiots who don’t properly tag shit and so much of this stuff it becomes a top suggestion by google.

I’m not saying it should be made less, but a lot more agreement on self regulation helps.

And don’t forget to even see comments on YouTube now you have to turn off safe search.

So basically it’s really easy even then to forget to turn it back on if you turned it off hours ago to do other stuff on Google and don’t even think of it.

You can still blame parents for that but don’t just ignore that there is some form of an exposure problem with mlp porn right now cause there really is.

Of course there are always exceptions to a rule. But consistent tests seem to demonstrate that it is super rare to find NSFW content when not looking for it.

And frankly, that applies to anything, even outside of MLP.

I’m a firm believer in the idea that it’s a parent’s job to parent their child. Not everyone else’s. We can certainly make their job somewhat easier by developing effective tagging standards, but that’s the most we can compromise. It’s up to the parent to ultimately monitor what their kids see on the internet.

I mean, as a parent, do you just let your kid wonder the mall aimlessly? I sure hope not. The internet is the same. There is a lot of awesome stuff here for kids to find and enjoy, but a parent needs to be there as chaperone to make sure their child is safe. The community in general can help by not allowing public displays of things deemed inappropriate (as they already do), but shit still happens, and it’s final responsibility is on the parent, not everyone else.


This exactly. SafeSearch is there for a reason.

It’s not our fault parents forget to turn it back on after searching for their own porn.

Actually, I don’t think SafeSearch is on by default, because I never seem to have SafeSearch on despite me never changing any settings. Or maybe that’s just my computer. :/





This sums up main response to those who say bronies who produce adult content are ruining the show for children.

Adapted from a comment on Derpibooru at 2014 January 14 23:02 UTC. (It should be on the third-to-last page of comments.)


this is the one anti-brony thing i always call BS on. your child found that porn because of one of 3 reasons.
1. You weren’t monitoring them like you should be.
2. They clicked on links they shouldn’t have.
3. They were looking for it.

or 4. you were lying.

You could also add “SafeSearch (or other filtering) wasn’t enabled.”